Tag: Demo
Join Webit.Festival Europe to see incredible technologies demonstrated before you
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are probably the two technologies that will create the most dramatic change in the way we live in the next several decades. In recent years we have experienced huge advancements in both fields and we are on the brink of their mass involvement in our everyday lifes.
While the inclusion of robots still may sound futuristic to many of us, AI is already taking its place for both corporate and domestic use. Personal asistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are part of the daily life of millions and this is just the beginning.
During Webit.Festival Europe you will be able to witness demonstrations of amazing technologies in the fields for Mobility, Robotics and AI. Here are some of them:
Harmony presented by Guile Lindroth - Realbotix, CTO
Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage
The first companion robot with advanced AI. The unique machine has a human-synthetic skin, synced eyes, lip synced mechanics, articulated neck, changeable face and customizable apps
eBee presented by Jean-Thomas Celette - senseFly, MD
Time: 15th May, 11:39-11:49 at Innovate Stage
The professional’s fully-autonomous mapping drone is able to capture high-resolution aerial photos tou can transform into accurate orthomosaics (maps) & 3D Models.
Augmented Reality presented by Prof. Shafi Ahmed - Medical Realities, Chief Medical Officer
Time: 14th May, 16:22-16:32 at Innovate Stage
The Medical Realities Platform delivers high-quality surgical training using Virtual and Augmented Reality. It is a technological powerhouse designed to deliver realism and immersion.
Hoverbike presented by Oriol Rafart - Malloy Aeronautics, CEO
Time: 15th May: 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage
The Hoverbike can deliver heavy aid, people, and equipment over building, rivers and mountains autonomously at the push of a button - cheap, safe and reliably.
Furhat presented by Samer Al Moubayed - Furhat Robotics, CEO
Time: 15th May, 09:52-10:07 at Innovate Stage
The social robot that communicates with us humans with self learning social skills.
GET presented by Leonid Plekhanov - GET, CEO & President
Time: 15th May, 15:52-16:02 at Innovate Stage
Wireless power network that enables battery-powered drones to recharge while still in flight
FlytCycle predented by Ansel Misfeldt - FlytAerospace, Founder
Time: 14th May, 17:23-17:33 at Innovate Stage
Hoverbike that can traverse any terrain just a couple of feet off the ground
Cybershoes presented by Michael Bieglmayer - Cybershoes, CEO
Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage
The only shoes for walking in VR that won’t let you bounce into a wall
EnduroSat presented by Raycho Raychev - EnduroSat, Founder
Time: 15th May, 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage
EnduroSat provides simpler access to space for visionary business customers, scientists and technologists. It is a new type of interconnected and decentralized space infrastructure.
During the event you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Airbus Defence and Space CEO Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co Paul Willmott, the VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others.
Check out the full agenda of Webit.Festival Europe here
Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.