Tag: European Commission

Andrus Ansip, European Commission Vice President is joining CEEDS`15 by Webit

The person who is responsible for probably the most anticipated strategy of the European Commission of EU and who is the engine behind the digital transformation of Estonia -  Mr. Ansip, VP European Commission Digital Single Market is joining CEEED'15 by Webit (part of the Global Webit Series).
“Our citizens want the best the internet can offer, they want an internet that is safe and accessible to everybody. This is not a reality in Europe today,” has been said in a speech from the European Commision in November, 2014 in Strasbourg.
Andrus Ansip comes from Estonia where he was Prime Minister from 2005 to 2014. On 10th of September he was proposed for a Vice President of European Commission by President-Elect Juncker. Ansip is managing the project Digital Single Market, a focus of the European Commission, which is the main reason for us to invite him to open the biggest digital conference of CEE region.
“There is even more work to do to achieve a truly connected digital single market. A market where every consumer is able to enjoy digital content and services - wherever they are in the EU, including government services,” claims European Commission.
More information about CEEDS'15 by Webit and the speakers' schedule you will find at http://webit.bg/

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