Tag: Personalized Medicine
Healthcare of the future will look back at the patient
If there is one industry that will be disrupted the most from the technological advancements that we can see today - it is healthcare. Today, it is inefficient, bureaucratic and capital-intensive, but most importantly, it is not oriented towards the patient and its personal needs.
With the development of technologies, such as Gene Editing, Artificial Intelliigence, Robotics, Blockchain and Big Data, we can be certain, that healthcare of the future will be completely different than the one we know today.
Delivering affordable and quality healthcare to almost 10 billion people on the planet by 2050 will probably turn out to be a huge problem for all of us. It will requre from both politicians and corporate leaders to define the boundaries of basic and luxury care, while tеchnolgy is transforming everything from prevention to diagnosis and treatment.
The exponential changes in healthcare will be among the main topics of Webit.Festival Europe 2019 and its Health Summit.The third edition of the event will be chaired by prof. Shafi Ahmed - the most watched surgeon in the human history and world’s renown innovator in VR and AR.
Personalization in medicine will continue to be among the most important trends in healthcare. It will make the care for the patient tailored to its unique needs, genetic makeup and lifestyle, which will immediately lead to better results for each and everyone of us.
This new approach could reduce greatly the number of ineffective interventions, save the whole system lots of unnecessary cots and give us better outcomes. A recent study showed that using a genetic test on breast cancer patients for example reduces chemotherapy use by 34%.
While personalized medicines have existed for almost two decades, advances in science and technology will make our diagnostics smarter and more targeted. This will help phisicians identify patients who may be eligable for appropriate treatment options.
The importance of personalized medicine has been captured very well by the former US president Barack Obama. During his last days in office, he stated that it will give us the greatest opportunities for new medical breakthroughs that we have ever seen.
“Doctors have always recognized that every patient is unique, and doctors have always tried to tailor their treatments as best they can to individuals. You can match a blood transfusion to a blood type. That was an important discovery. What if matching a cancer cure to our genetic code was just as easy, just as standard? What if figuring out the right dose of medicine was as simple as taking our temperature”, he asked.
With current treatments, patients are treated with a one-size-fits-all approach and if the therapy is not effective another therapy is attempted. Personalized medicine or precision medicine aims to change this paradigm by finding diagnostic markers (in terms of DNA, RNA, proteins or metabolites) that can predict therapy response.
Come to Webit.Festival Europe and learn about the future healthcare and what steps need to me made in order to turn its use towards the single patient.
During Health Summit you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Former Director of Life Course and Ageing in WHO, Dr. John Beard, the Chair of Medicine in Singularity University, Daniel Kraft, the President of European Health Parliament, Joseph Elborn, the Cheif Medical Officer at IBM, Mark Davies, the CEO of Open Health Network, Tatyana Kanzaveli, the Managing Director for EMEA at IBM Watson Health, Mark O’Herlihy and many others.
Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.