Tag: Seamless

Peter Fredell, CEO of Seamless, the global mobile payments company will...

Peter Fredell has had a career in international banking and capital markets. He will be a speaker at the Blue track at Webit Global Congress 2014. Peter has a successful record of accomplishment of developing financial services businesses. Since 1992, he is founder of Fredell & Co, investing in the financial and technological space. Fredell is today the largest shareholder of Seamless. He joined the board of Seamless in 2009 and since 2011 is CEO of the company. Seamless is a global mobile payments company that provides prepaid top-up systems and mobile payment services for mobile operators, distributors, retailers and consumers. The company has two main product lines: the proprietary transaction switch ERS 360˚ for top-ups to mobile operators and distributors, and SEQR for mobile payments in stores, on-line and in-app. In its home territory of the Nordic region, Seamless has established the proof points for its business and leading retail merchants, who have adopted the system, including McDonalds Sweden. Seamless is an international company with customers in more than 30 countries, from Brazil in the west to Thailand in the east. Their ambition is to build sales, support and operations in Stockholm, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pakistan and Ghana. It boasts over 3.1 billion transactions handled annually for more than 40 operators in these countries. Peter Fredell will be a speaker at the blue track of the Global Webit Congress. To meet Peter Fredell and learn more about mobile payments and the success story of Seamless book your ticket at an early bird price now.

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