Tag: social

 Trends in Online Social Behavior

Not only we have various social networks, but there is also a special social behaviour. Web advertisers study online behavior and use the results to increase the effectiveness of their campaigns. One research from the last days says that social media is silencing personal opinion – even in the offline world.
“Some social media creators and supporters have hoped that social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter might produce different enough discussion venues that those with minority views might feel freer to express their opinions, thus broadening public discourse and adding new perspectives to everyday discussion of political issues,” explains the report from Pew Research Center.
It turns out that this optimistic desire is not quite the reality. Social media is encouraging users to keep opinions to themselves which is completely opposite to the idea of social media. However, site publishers can use the data generated from website pages and the searches made to create defined audience segments based on visitors that have similar profiles. Combining this data with other demographic and psychographic data helps marketers build their key customer segments. Trends in online social behavior is an everyday-changing topic. The quantity of data is rising daily so analysing customer behaviour gets harder. Book your tickets for Global Webit Congress where you will get many tips and tricks about online social behaviour and its analysis.  

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