Tag: SoftLayer

Accelerators Alley at CEEDS’15

“It’s always great coming to events like this and seeing the diversity of startups from around the world. You learn about the local problems they are trying to solve and challenges that they have”, said Rahul Sood, Microsoft Ventures regarding the Accelerators Alley at Webit Global Congress 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey.
CEEDS’15 by Webit will have its Accelerators Alley as well. There you will be able to present your own startup and receive feedback from all the attendees. If you are not going to present any idea, this is completely fine because you will see many new ideas and maybe receive inspiration for the next time.
“I don’t believe that the only good technology comes from the Silicon Valley or some of the other places but good technology and good people come from everywhere. So this is a very good mix, so we can get and understand and talk about what’s going on and where the innovations are coming from and what are people working on, so it’s been fantastic to have that diversity at the event,” said Jonathan Wisler, SoftLayer, again at Global Webit Congress 2014.
CEEDS’15 by Webit will meet entrepreneurs with investors from the whole CEE region. If you have a promising idea with a passionate team behind it, at CEEDS’15 you can meet your business angel who will invest in it. Take advantage of the tickets with early bird prices of 100 EUR now and prepare yourself for launching your idea in the best way possible. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

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