Tag: content

Content Marketing vs. Content Strategy

As content has become meaningful for companies in the last years, the question about differentiating content marketing and content strategy arises. Are the two terms the same? Or different, or complementary?
 “Content marketing is an umbrella term encompassing all marketing formats that involve the creation and sharing of content in order to attract, acquire and engage clearly defined and understood current and potential consumer bases with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”
Sounds to complicated, huh? But it is not. Let’s take a look through the process of content marketing. In the beginning it is the definition of user needs and then starts the creation of content. Then you have to do outreach, benefit visitors and profit conversion. That’s the whole process and again pay attention to the first step - definition of the customers’ needs. It is essential. Before you start creating content, you need to build your strategy. Here is а definition about content strategy:
“Content strategy plans for the creation, publication and governance of useful, usable content. Necessarily, the content strategist must work to define not only which content will be published, but why we’re publishing it in the first place.” - Kristina Halvorson
Not so complicated as the previous, but still let’s check the process. We start the same way as with content marketing by defining customers’ needs. What follows is the content audit with the content planning. Then comes content production, respectively the content deliverance. In the end, the result need to be measured in order to make conclusions and improvements. To summarize, content marketing and content strategy are two separate yet deeply connected. So, it is not Content Marketing vs. Content Strategy. It is Content Marketing + Content Strategy = Win. To learn more, book your tickets for the 6th edition of Global Webit Congress now.

Social Data for Content Creation

If done properly, content creation requires from you to commit time, energy, and resources. A Pew survey described content creation as the creation of "the material people contribute to the online world." It is pretty clear that in this digital era we are surrounded by infinite quantity of content so in order to survive on any market, you should create content. You should be creative, to care about your customers and to invest lots of energy. One of the most powerful tools we can use today for content creation is the social media and all of the data it has. Facebook, Google+, Instagram and so on - all of these are full of data. Here comes the question about data analysis, because in order to create content you should find a way to manage the data. Social data analysis is a style of analysis in which people work in a social, collaborative context to make sense of data. According to Mashable research, when you run a Google search, you should think about the fact that it's just one of 2 million that Google will receive in that minute. In the same amount of time, Facebook users post 684 478 pieces of content. Crazier still, online shoppers spend an average of $272,070 every minute. That's over $391 million every day — quite the chunk of change. Many social data analysis experts will be at the 6th edition of Global Webit Congress. Since here is not just one simple decision how to analyze data, everything starts with the properly set goals. Book your tickets with early bird prices till the end of August, meet with lots of C-level managers and find your decision.

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