Tag: RTB

Media trading future trends

Trends in marketing industry are changing with the speed of light and if you want to stay on the market you have to take them in consideration. As we already discussed, RTB changed the world of advertising simply because traditional online display advertising is inefficient anymoreл So let’s now take a look at a few future media trading trends.

Consolidation as a means of accumulation?

Nowadays, if you are a big publisher you would need to work with either Amazon, or Apple, or Google. They have done amazing things for the publishing sector, but at the same time they are dictators and monopolists, and you either find other ways of trading or you find ways of standing up to the dictats. Both require versatility, which smaller publishers are probably better placed to benefit from, strength of market position (not to be lost to competitors), which the mergers are aiming to achieve, and cash investment.

Everything is `APPening online!

This is a progressive trend, that you are not able to stop or take back. The only option is to adapt in order to stay on the market. Various applications, various services. A clear side-effect of this will be a move from device-based apps to web-based apps will lots of content and tools. This way the focus is on end-user satisfaction, so you will just need to invest once to monetize content for numerous platforms.

The rising importance of RTB video

Video advertising is a more than a trend nowadays and when we combine this RTB, we get the rising importance of RTB video. A key driver of brand advertiser application of RTB has been the rising availability of online video advertising via RTB ad exchanges. With this growth, we can expect that more advertisers will plan their online video investments in conjunction with TV advertising and to experiment with “programmatic” TV buying. You will learn more about the media trading future trends at the 6th Webit Global Congress. Book your tickets with early bird prices now!

How RTB changed the world of advertising?

RTB is the abbreviation for real time bidding and Google’s definition about it is “a server-to-server integration option for network buyers that allows networks to evaluate and bid on each available impression”. Sounds complicated but it is not and in the last years RTB is highly preferred by advertisers. Why? Simply because traditional online display advertising is inefficient - you purchase impressions for the same price per unit, even though each one has a different value to your campaign. The RTB ecosystem has three parts:
  • Advertisers : Buyers – here we have a tool that automates the purchasing of online advertising on behalf of the advertisers. This is the Demand Site Platform or DSP
  • Exchanges: These are compared to the stock exchange, but for advertisers
  • Publishers : Website owners : Sellers - the publisher provides the inventory
RTB allows you to bid for ad space on a publisher’s website so your ad is possibly displayed when the website loads. Something important is that the maximum price is set before bidding begins. RTB benefits agencies by providing more control over the performance of the campaign, more efficient spending and better, more targeted results for clients. The benefits for advertisers are more narrowed targeting and no more wasted impressions. Publishers get revenue on inventory since buyers maximize the value of impressions. Amongst the predictions about the development of RTB in 2014 were rich media ads, social networks, branding metrics, programmatic video and private marketplace deals. The world of advertising will never be the same. RTB changed the status quo.     To learn more about RTB and its future, apply now for Webit Global Congress!

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