Tag: webit program

Webit Global Congress Program Renewed

Renewed. It is the word that describes the 6th edition of Webit Global Congress. Different, but how? And most importantly why? We keep the high level lectors, the quantity of information but what we change is the agenda in order to stay focused and efficient. As you remember, the previous edition of Webit Global Congress in 2013 was divided into six different tracks. Experienced lectors who kept the attendees inspired during the whole event. We even received feedback about the fact that we share too much and too interesting information at Webit Global Congress and it is physically impossible to visit everything you want. What the 6th edition of Webit Global Congress will offer and how it will be different? Pretty simple - only two tracks with 10-minutes lectures. You can choose between the Red and the Blue Tracks. The first one is ‘Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference’ where you will meet C-level managers at companies like Apple, Google and Facebook. ‘Leaders of the Future Tech Summit’ is the Blue track with hundreds of investors and global and local tech executives. Speakers have only 10 minutes for their lectures – no babbling, only the essential. So, imagine the quantity of the information you will get as well as its efficiency. Webit Global Congress is for you and we want you to get the maximum of it. The only thing you need to decide now is which is your track and to book your ticket. From there leave everything for us and our fabulous speakers. Apply now for tickets with early bird prices.

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