
Join the Webit Internet of Things (IoT) Hackathon 2014

We are proud to present the Webit Internet of Things (IoT) Hackathon 2014. The hot future trend of Internet of Things (IoT) presents numerous...

Entrepreneurship, Business Knowledge and Startup Ventures

The blue track of the Global Webit Congress will be featuring such key concept as what does entrepreneurship, startups and business knowledge have in...

Online Identity, Security and Fraud

Everyone is online, even dogs and cats have their online profiles in Facebook and Twitter. Are these online identities real? Are they protected and...

The Future of Big Data, Big Cloud and Connected Devices

We are living in a constantly changing, complex, interconnected world. We are seeing all kinds of connected devices all around us both at home...

Can Europe beat Silicon Valley?

Europe is changing. Look at the vibrant, exciting and productive startup communities in Berlin, London, Helsinki and Sofia just to name a few and you...

Tony Conrad of About.me and True Ventures will be speaker at...

Tony Conrad is Co-founder and CEO of about.me and Founder/Venture Partner at True Ventures. He will be a speaker at the Blue track at...

Peter Fredell, CEO of Seamless, the global mobile payments company will...

Peter Fredell has had a career in international banking and capital markets. He will be a speaker at the Blue track at Webit Global...

#Webit is one of the Top 12 Startup Conferences in Europe

Did you know that the Global Webit Congress is the largest digital and tech annual conference held in Turkey and probably one of the...

RoboSavvy, the amazon for robotics

The world of robotics and 3D printing is exploding and RoboSavvy, a British company headed by Limor Schweitzer is at the forefront of research,...

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