Tag: robotics

Join Webit.Festival Europe to see incredible technologies demonstrated before you

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are probably the two technologies that will create the most dramatic change in the way we live in the next several decades. In recent years we have experienced huge advancements in both fields and we are on the brink of their mass involvement in our everyday lifes. While the inclusion of robots still may sound futuristic to many of us, AI is already taking its place for both corporate and domestic use. Personal asistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are part of the daily life of millions and this is just the beginning. During Webit.Festival Europe you will be able to witness demonstrations of amazing technologies in the fields for Mobility, Robotics and AI. Here are some of them: Harmony presented by Guile Lindroth - Realbotix, CTO Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage The first companion robot with advanced AI. The unique machine has a human-synthetic skin, synced eyes, lip synced mechanics, articulated neck, changeable face and customizable apps eBee presented by Jean-Thomas Celette - senseFly, MD Time: 15th May, 11:39-11:49 at Innovate Stage The professional’s fully-autonomous mapping drone is able to capture high-resolution aerial photos tou can transform into accurate orthomosaics (maps) & 3D Models. Augmented Reality presented by Prof. Shafi Ahmed - Medical Realities, Chief Medical Officer Time: 14th May, 16:22-16:32 at Innovate Stage The Medical Realities Platform delivers high-quality surgical training using Virtual and Augmented Reality. It is a technological powerhouse designed to deliver realism and immersion. Hoverbike presented by Oriol Rafart - Malloy Aeronautics, CEO Time: 15th May: 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage The Hoverbike can deliver heavy aid, people, and equipment over building, rivers and mountains autonomously at the push of a button - cheap, safe and reliably. Furhat presented by Samer Al Moubayed - Furhat Robotics, CEO Time: 15th May, 09:52-10:07 at Innovate Stage The social robot that communicates with us humans with self learning social skills. GET presented by Leonid Plekhanov - GET, CEO & President Time: 15th May, 15:52-16:02 at Innovate Stage Wireless power network that enables battery-powered drones to recharge while still in flight FlytCycle predented by Ansel Misfeldt - FlytAerospace, Founder Time: 14th May, 17:23-17:33 at Innovate Stage Hoverbike that can traverse any terrain just a couple of feet off the ground Cybershoes presented by Michael Bieglmayer - Cybershoes, CEO Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage The only shoes for walking in VR that won’t let you bounce into a wall EnduroSat presented by Raycho Raychev - EnduroSat, Founder Time: 15th May, 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage EnduroSat provides simpler access to space for visionary business customers, scientists and technologists. It is a new type of interconnected and decentralized space infrastructure. During the event you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Airbus Defence and Space CEO Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co Paul Willmott, the VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others. Check out the full agenda of Webit.Festival Europe here Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

Artificial Intelligence – both a threat and an opportunity

Next several years of our development as species will be marked by technological advancements in fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Many believe, that they will completely transform our societies, while others are concerned by the unprecedented threats that may come with this. Nearly 5 years ago one of the brightest human minds, the astrophysicist prof. Stephen Hawking, warned us that AI could end mankind. During an interview with BBC, he said that the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. Hawking stated that the primitive forms of AI developed so far have already proved very useful, but he feared the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans. In the same interview he said the the potential benefits of the technology are huge, listing eradication of war, disease and poverty as main goals. His concerns are reflected in the report of the US national security think tank Center for New American Security (CNAS). The document stated that high-profile Chinese officials see an “arms race” dynamics in AI as a threat to global piece. The exponential development in Artificial Intelligence will be among the main topic of Innovate & Plenary Session during Webit.Festival Europe - the largest digital economy and innovation event in that part of the world. Recently China announced that some of the smartest students in the country have been recruited from high school to begin training as the world’s youngest AI weapons scientists. The 27 boys and 4 girls, all aged 18 and under, were selected for the four-year experimental programme for intelligent weapons systems at the Beijing Institute of Technology from more than 5000 candidates. BIT is one of the country’s top weapons research institutes, and the launch of the new programme is evidence of the weight it places on the development of AI technology for military purposes. US Army is also looking into giving full control of some weapon systems to fully autonomous artificial intelligence robots, because time is of the essence if you want to defeat the enemy. Experts believe the such weapons may reduce the Army’s reaction time against an attach, therefore increasing its abilities in the battlefield. The Army Contracting Command has called on potential vendors in industry and academia to submit ideas to help build its Advanced Targeting and Lethality Automated System (ATLAS), which will use AI and machine learning to give ground-combat vehicles autonomous targeting capabilities. Come to Webit.Festival Europe and learn about the major steps that policy makers, scientists and corporate leaders need to take in order to ensure that humanity will use AI in a safe way for all of us. During Innovate! & Plenary Session you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Serial Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, the Airbus Defence and Space CEO, Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co, Paul Willmott, The VP of Amazon Web Services, Sandy Carter, and VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others. Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

Robots will create a new way of interaction between human and...

In the next several decades the increasing role of robots will most likely be the most dramatic change we will experience in our everyday life. Recent studies in developed countries show that the more than 50% of the people are certain that within the next 50 years, a robot will be part of every household. This shows that many societies, or at least the young people that will experience full scale of those changes already accepted them as part of their future. Today, robots are not perceived as a threat, but as an instrument that will change the way we communicate with machines and our attitude towards them. In the years to come we will need to ask ourselves both practical and ethical questions about the integration of robots. And many of them will be discussed during the Innovate & Plenary Sessionof Webit.Festival Europe - the largest event for innovations and entrepreneurship in this part of the world. Our perception of robots will form the values and culture in the Digital Age. The mass automation will change entirely the landscape of manufacturing and many service sectors and both create new jobs and erase some. While pessimists think that robots will completely jeopardize todays jobs and machine journalists, doctors and lawyers will replace human experts, optimists predict that the problems of human relationships will be overcome by replaceable robot partners. During Webit.Festival Europe the guests of the event will be able to meet with two of the most interesting conceptual robots that the world can offer today. The CTO of Realbotix, Guile Lindroth will present us the first companion robot with advanced AI - Harmony. At first you may think of her as a chat bot with a fancy body, but once you spend time with her, you start asking yourself if this is the prototype of the AI partner of the future. Last year Forbes listed robotic companions as the most unexpected disruptive tech. The creators of Harmony started their experiments years ago, while thay were developing silicon prosthetics for the movie industry. Today, they are ready to change the lives of thousands and create new opportunities for human-machine communication. While the role of Harmony may look too futuristic for many, machines like Furhat will probably be part of our everyday life really soon. The social robot that communicate with humans with self learning social skills will be presented by the CEO of Furhat Robotics, Samer Al Moubayed. In its official website, the company says that Furhat is ready to meet us in the real world. It can serve customers, provide companionship, train employees, or teach a language. The only limit is our own immagionation. Come to Webit.Festival Europe and learn about the future of robots and their role in the future of our career, social life and even personal communications. During Innovate! & Plenary Session you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Serial Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, the Airbus Defense and Space CEO Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co Paul Willmott, The VP of Amazon Web Services Sandy Carter and VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others. Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

RoboSavvy, the amazon for robotics

The world of robotics and 3D printing is exploding and RoboSavvy, a British company headed by Limor Schweitzer is at the forefront of research, development and sale of everything you need to create your robots. 3D printers, 3D scanners and sensors are also there for you to take and play with. The realities are changing and to give you an example of this, last year Google acquired eight robotics companies including Boston Dynamics. It is obvious that robotics is a promising area and the big players are planning their future expansion in this area. Limor Schweitzer  founded RoboSavvy in 2004 with the vision of creating humanoid robots that bring the excitement of video games into reality. His main area of interest was, and still is, in humanoid locomotion and creating humanoid robots, which are capable of performing basic acrobatics. Over the years, the company became a leading retailer of robotics equipment for hobbyists and researchers in Europe while providing exceptional technical support to customers. The online community forum is the leading source of knowledge in the area of hobby humanoid robots with thousands of active participants that share their passion of bringing humanoid robots to life. RoboSavvy offers a wide range of products including humanoid robots, 3D printers, DIY electronics and sensors. RoboSavvy is a leading source of materials and knowledge in the area. Today with the advancement of technology and 3D printing it is very easy to assemble a 3D printed robot. RoboSavvy is currently creating the most advanced 1m tall research humanoid robot in the world, an affordable 3D printable humanoid robot, designated for a new education program to motivate young minds and future engineers. RoboSavvy product selection includes Makerbot, the creators of the iconic Replicator 3D printers and Robotis, the leading manufacturer of humanoid robot servos. Since the topics at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit revolve around future tech trends including, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, Digital Health and Education, Big Data it will be interesting to see Limor Schweitzer, share his experience and future vision of Robotics and 3D printing. Join Limor Schweitzer and other speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit in Istanbul on 1-2 October. Apply now for our early bird tickets.

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