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IoE makes us dream of a more connected tomorrow

We are living in the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - a process that unites biological, digital and physical spheres. And perhaps the most important condition for unfolding of this process is the coming age of Internet of Everything (IoE). According to most experts, it will bring an enormous shift on our way of living, solving problems and creating value for business. In the near future our cars, houses, fridges, stoves, light bulbs, clothes and visual devices will all be interconnected. This has the potential to create new capabilities, richer experiences and unprecedented economic opportunity for businesses, countries and individuals. A Business Insider analysis calculates that by 2020 there will be around 34 billion devices connected to internet worldwide, compared to 10 billion in 2015. Internet of Things (IoT) devices will account for 24 billion, while traditional computing devices as smartphones and tablets will be around 10 billion. Over the next five years the market for IoT solutions will reach nearly $6 trillion. Business is looking like the top customer of this kind of products because of the perspective for lowering of operation costs, increased productivity and expanding to new markets. By year 2020 more than 5 billion people will be connected to the web. This is nearly seven times more than their number in 2000. The new internet users will come mainly from Africa and Asia and their connection will be mobile. This creates entirely new economic reality, which is already happening. Just yesterday the idea of smart homes was interesting mostly for geeks and wealthy executives from the tech industry. But platforms like Amazon’s Alexa are soon going to make this concept affordable for nearly everyone in the developed world. With the coming of more people online, companies like Google are trying to make their services more accessible with smaller apps for budget devices and offline support. Today the tech giant announced that its Google search app for Android will save our queries while we are offline and deliver the results when our internet connection is established again. As Android is the most used operating system in developing economies where the internet quality is low this new feature will be pretty helpful for the millions of new users. Soon the company is going to apply it for iOS too. Meanwhile, Google is working with LG on producing the first Android Wear 2.0 devices - the LG Watch Sport and LG Watch Style. The smartwatches will be revealed on February 9. Both devices have options for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, while the sport model features cellular connectivity with 3G and LTE data, as well as GPS. As for now the expansion of wearables benefits mostly retailers and technological businesses, but the new features in these devices have the potential to improve our day-to-day activities and quality of life. IoE will make us more self aware in every life aspect of life, from eating habits and sport to management of our home and finances. You can learn more about the rise of mobile tech, sharing of information and connected devices during Webit.Festival 2017. During the two-day agenda of the festival in Sofia you can listen to top level speakers from all over the world, who will share their experience on topics, such as Marketing & Innovation, Big Data & Cloud, IoE, Digital Transformation, FinTech & Blockchain, Security & Privacy, Health & Wellbeing and Mobility.

Smart cities are standing out, traffic jam fading

It’s morning rush hour. You are on your way to leave the kids at school and then to go to your office. There are hundreds of vehicles in front of and around you, you’re stuck in the traffic, but you listen to your favorite radio station, you’re in your own car and you already got used to it. That’s the current situation - traffic is unavoidable, you think. But as cities nowadays get bigger and bigger, researches predict 70% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. What does that mean? Crowded, polluted and an uncomfortable urban environment, a lot of you would quite reasonably imagine at first. But just here, the idea of smart cities comes to the rescue. When looking forward to the bright tech future, we can think of connected technologies, ensuring a better quality of life, conscious use of natural resources, instant communication and bettering of all that needs to be bettered. Imagine sensors showing you whether there are free spots on the parking lot, technologies limiting the water you’ve unconsciously wasted and cameras identifying the thief who has just stolen your bag. Imagine, but with your eyes open - in the years ahead, these appliances won’t be dreams, but reality. And not just in the big, distant cities. Just like with human brain whose full potential we don’t always use, by now urban cities use a very small part of their full capacity in terms of smart, friendly appliances and connected technologies. But it’s just the right time that this is going to change. Now, why don’t you watch this video and think again about the morning rush hour? What if you had this vehicle on your way to work? This ‘Straddling Bus’ was shown in action in the Chinese city of Qinhuangdao, in the Hebei province. The citizens have probably been reasonably shocked at first: The enormous vehicle-prototype “eating cars” which they’ve seen is around 22 meters long, 8 meters wide, around 5 meters tall. It provides 2 meters of underneath space for cars to travel and is able to carry up to 300 passengers. Maybe now this technology still feels too futuristic, but its creators and many others think it will give the perfect solution to overcome traffic. While driven cars may still seem long-lasting for many customers, tech innovators show us self-driven automobiles are soon to be widely affordable. While it may seem smart cities are only reflecting on humans’ lives, truth is technology connects to nature to help us save, not destroy it. While many big cities’ governments already embrace the concept of being a smart city, there are a lot yet to be convinced. To learn more on the topic of Smart cities and innovation, visit the Smart Cities Summit of Webit.Festival 2017 and hear the latest trends in Digital Transformation, Smart Mobility & Transportation, Smart Energy and many more. Amongst the confirmed speakers is Erion Veliaj, the current Mayor of Tirana, thanks to whose efforts the city was awarded for successfully applying innovations in communication between government and citizens. You will also see on the scene Alexander Renz, Managing Partner at New Mobility World, who works towards a future where mobility is environmentally sustainable.

To evolve, the business must pass through digital transformation

The Theory of Evolution’s author Charles Darwin once said that it is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that is the most adaptable to change. And more than any other aspect of human society, these words are relevant to the world of business, especially in the years of the next industrial revolution. The new economic environment in the information age is putting additional pressure for businesses to change, while the new players on the market are disrupting whole industries. J.P. Morgan’s CEO Jamie Dimon thinks that all the major banks are endangered by the Silicon Valley. And if they don’t manage to up their game, the tech companies will take over their business. Right now there are hundreds of startups with ideas and money for creating alternatives to traditional banking. And if the banks don’t act quick with the digital transformation of their services, they can be overtaken by the emerging tech companies. According to Cisco System’s Executive Chairman, John Chambers, at least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years, if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies. This forecast includes even the companies in Fortune’s 500. Many experts expect that between 40% and 60% of them will not be on the list by the middle of the next decade. The process of digital transformation quickly became mandatory for anyone, who wants to survive the changes. We can see examples of that everywhere, and even industry’s biggest are trying to adapt to this next generation of computing. For most of the businesses this transformation end up with simple solutions, like using automated software for the processes, that were previously manually-driven. But there is much more. For retail and financial institutions the new technology gives the opportunity of omni-channel programmes for selling products and services in new ways, while adding more analytics. All this helps for finding new paths to the customer, and in the digital age importance of his experience is growing rapidly. Customers are more cautious than ever and are ready to turn their back on any brand that don’t align with their values and needs. Innovation and agility are the best ways to stay competitive in evolving market, and this needs constant assessment, testing and analysis of new technological solutions. But to know the most effective practices of digital transformation, you most certainly must learn from the best. This year Webit.Festival is the place, where you can meet policy makers, innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, scientists and experts fascinated by technology and fostering the digital transformation in the business and the society. During the two-day agenda of the event you can listen to top level speakers like the CEO of JetPack Aviation David Mayman and the VP Digital Transformation at SCA Gael De Talhouet.

Industry’s biggest are betting on AI for smarter and safer transport

This year everyone will keep talking about Artificial Intelligence, but the industry that is most likely to benefit quick from the development of this amazing technology is transportation. In fact Mobility is the hot word for business all over the world, mainly because the transport cost is a main part of the price mix of almost every product on the market. During the last year many of the big players in the automotive industry followed Tesla’s and Google’s example and announced their big plans for applying AI in the new models, mostly by building systems for autonomous driving and in-car entertainment. The concept of self-driving cars is going to totally transform the whole transport sector, mainly through getting the driver out of the equation - both in the sphere of personal and enterprise vehicles. In turn this will change the overall user experience in the automobile and enable owners to make greater use of their connected cars. This process is about to add the hours spent driving to our free time and develop entirely new industry of automotive entertainment. The news are well received by the electronic sport companies and the whole video game sector. Of course the change is beneficial not only for the entertainers, but also for the sellers. Last week BMW has teamed with Accenture to build an augmented “car visualiser” that is using Google’s Tango technology to show full-scale virtual versions of the i3 and i8 models. The clients in the company’s showrooms can enter the simulator and customize the whole interior and exterior of the car, so that they can order a personalized version of it. The innovative devices will be piloted across BMW dealerships this year and if the marketing department of the company determines that the project is successful, it will be deployed on larger scale. Meanwhile, the computer giant Nvidia revealed a powerful system that gives cars the ability to drive themselves. First part of the project is named Co-Pilot and is built as an AI assistant to drivers. It takes data from sensors in and outside of the vehicle through cameras and microphones and creates a profile of the surroundings. The assistant will notify the driver when he needs to react on a situation via voice signals and other means. Nvidia already announced new partners for bringing autonomous vehicles to public roads. The company is working with Audi for embedding its AI tech in the new model’s hardware and software by 2020. The automaker’s ambition is to build not only smarter, but a safer vehicle for its customers. If you want to keep up with the latest trends in mobility, personal and corporate transportation and their application in business and the smart cities of the future come, then Webit.Festival 2017 is the right place for you. In the Enterprise section of the event you can listen to speakers like the Managing Partner at New Mobility Consulting, Alex Renz, who is helping corporations, startups and investors take advantage of the opportunities emerging from the digital transformation of transportation and mobility. Among the other confirmed speakers is the Managing Director of Startupbootcamp Smart Transportation & Energy Tanja Kufner.

Next generation marketing is all about video

In marketing you always have to be one step ahead of the pack and if you don’t have a crystal ball in your office, the best way to be switched on the trends of the future is to build a better understanding about the technological advancements of today. In fact new tech is more than just an engine of the digital age marketing. It is a generator for new types of customer demand and market shifts. According to Entrepreneur Magazine’s poll, 51.9% of the marketers worldwide named video as the content type that gives the best return of investment. Meanwhile Cisco predicts that by 2020 video will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic. This hot trend is visible even in the media coverage as more and more outlets prefer to share a viral short and texted clip on their timeline instead of writing an long analytical piece on the topic. The reason for the new strategy is the new life dynamics and the inability of users to hold their attention on something for more than minute and a half. Social media already promotes the video content in their algorithms, while Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg forecasted that within five years the social network will be mostly filled with video. About 43% of people online want to see more video content from marketers, but social media gives even more effective ways to communicate directly with the customer. One example of that is the the Snapchat geofilter that gives businesses the capability to customize ads and to target them to the users in specific location and time, for example the attendees on a concert, sports event or Webit.Festival 2017. Apps like Snapchat are becoming a prefered advertising option because of the limited lifespan posts they are providing. That way companies can run ad campaigns that disappear after a set period of time. Instagram already launched their own feature for this type of marketing activity. Five9’s CMO Kevin Garvin thinks that in 2017 video customer service will finally go mainstream and will be a powerful tool to ease communication problems in an easy and efficient manner. Part of the reason is the advance in marketing tech, that gives small and midsized marketers sophisticated tools with small budget. Many companies that never considered advertising on TV can now add an online video strategy to their program for B2C communication. Last year was big for live streaming as every major social network has incorporated this in its platform. But before they start streaming the marketers first have to carefully think about ideas for authentic instant content. If you want to keep up with the hottest trends in the world of marketing Webit.Festival is the right place for you. During the Marketing&Innovations Summit, you can listen to top level speakers such as the Chief Creative Officer at DigitasLBi Chris Clarke, who was recently placed at 53th place in The Drum’s Adverati list of the most influential people in advertising.

AI revolution is coming. How to change to keep our jobs

Artificial Intelligence and Automation are the two biggest threats to the job security in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. According to a report, released by the Obama administration in the end of the last year, nearly 47% of the jobs in USA are at risk in the next 20 years.

Signs for what is coming are all over the news and even the notorious astrophysicist Stephen Hawking predicted that the increasing automation is going to decimate middle class jobs and worsen the already big inequality and political instability worldwide.

This process has already destroyed some jobs in traditional manufacturing and the development of AI is going to extend this trend to the service sector, when only management and supervisory roles remain safe, at least for now. Of course, the US administration report notes that the new technology will open new career opportunities for those with higher-level skills. But even they will need government-supported re-training programs to help mitigate the negative impact of automation by preparing displaced workers for their new jobs. Last week Japanese insurance company Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance laid off more than 30 employees and replaced them with artificial intelligence system that calculates payouts to policyholders. The firm management believes that this will boost its productivity by about 30% and will return the investment in less that two years. The annual cost savings will amount to about £1m and the cost of the system installation is £1.4m. It is based on the IBM’s Watson Explorer. Late last year the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates announced that it is building software that will automate the daily management of the company and will deal with the hiring and firing of employees and other strategic decisions. The company’s founder Ray Dalio assigned to his software engineers the task to ensure that the firm is managed according to his vision when he is not at work. They have built a tool that incorporate different rating into personal profiles of employees that show their strengths and weaknesses. Another app set goals for them and monitor their implementation. Although there is no unanimous opinion about the exact impact of AI on the labour market and the industry in the coming years we can certainly say that it will be more than great. To understand more about the application of artificial intelligence techniques in products and business you can listen to the leader of IBM Watson Partner Innovations Europe Christoph Auer-Welsbach. He is one of the confirmed speakers in the Tech Summit of Webit.Festival 2017 in Sofia. The expert will also talk about the best practices of high-growth startups on going from tested ide to scalable company. The main topics of his lecture will focus on Machine Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, FinTech, IoT and Smart City. During the Tech Summit you can learn the latest trends in Digital Transformation, IoE, BigData & Cloud, Security & Privacy, FinTech, Money & Payments. So, don’t waste time, these are all the important links you need: To buy your tickets for Webit.Festival Europe 2017 (EarlyBird expires soon), click here. To apply for speaking, click here. To apply for partnership, click here. To apply for exhibiting, click here. StartUP? Apply for the Founders Games Challenge by Webit.Foundation and get an opportunity for free festival tickets (500), free exhibition table (100) and opportunity to win 200 000 EUR (only 1), click here. To see the video gallery from Webit.Festival 2016, click here. To learn more about the events that are part of the festival, click here. To see pictures from our previous events, click here. For more information on the Global Webit Series and our events in Dubai, Singapore, New Delhi and Istanbul: www.Webit.Org.

VR in the world of Digital Health

By the end of the decade the market for digital health products and services will be at least $233 billion. Big part of this growth is due to the development of technologies for virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Digital health is already helping us to manage, track and improve our health and is improving our living standard. This innovative sector in medicine is only a part of the healthcare revolution in the last century, that has led to an increase in life expectancy worldwide with more than 25 years. Now that we are close to the limits of our lifespan limits the industry is more concerned with the topic of making our life not just longer, but more productive, especially during the years after 55. The healthcare of the new generation will soon increase efficiency in the delivery of services, reduce costs and personalize the whole process of treating the ill. Last year the 3D Visualisation Aesthetics Lab at the University of New South Wales managed to develop an actual model of cancer cell using the data from a high-resolution electron microscope and a CGI. This can totally transform the cancer treatment after decades of peering into a microscope to examine cells. Meanwhile the Australian VR company Liminal is trying to provide better life experience for people, who aren’t able to leave their hospital bed. The reason for that is not just comfort, but the fact that loneliness is often linked to higher risk of disease and slower recovery time. The VR and AR are already revolutionizing the surgical education and training. If you find this interesting you can meet in person the pioneer in this new branch of medicine Dr Shafi Ahmed. He is one of the first confirmed speakers for the Digital Health Summit during Webit.Festival 2017 in Sofia. Dr Ahmed is the first person in the world who live-streamed an operation using Google Glass. In 2014 he showed the world the removing of cancerous tissue from the liver and bowel of a 78-year old man. You can watch a link here. But beware, there are graphic images. In an online poll, nearly 90% of the students who watched the live video said that they want this type of learning process to be part of their curriculum. During the Digital Health Summit you can also learn the latest trends in EHRs, Telehealth Systems & Telemedicine Developments, Mobile Health Applications & Devices, Medication monitoring & Wellness Devices, Chronic Care Management, Genetic Science and Pharma Technologies.

Webit.Festival Europe presents the next three speakers at one of the...

One of the most popular stages of Webit.Festival, the Marketing and Innovation Summit, is once again bringing together the top CMOs, CTOs and CIOs from the advertising world, broadcasters, publishers, and ad/media/digital agencies. During the 25th and the 26th of April, Webit.Festival 2017 is the place to be in Europe if you want to hear about the latest trends in marketing, media and how the digital transformation is continuously changing the whole business world.

Main topics on the agenda of the summit will be the rising use of virtual and augmented reality, especially in the digital entertainment, how consumer empowerment is driving new brand opportunity, brand social strategies, digital and programmatic advertising, metrix and data, video and mobile video marketing, the future of artificial intelligence in marketing, creating relationships with audience, benefits of storytelling in marketing and many more.

We have 3 new top-flight speakers in our lineup for the Marketing and Innovation Summit! They include top executive from one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world, the CMO of one of the biggest business media worldwide and the chief digital officer of Wi-Fi security and privacy providing company, so read our guide to taking part or find out more about our latest speaker additions below.

  •  Victor Milligan, CMO, Forrester Research.
victor-milligan-470x470As the CMO of Forrester, the American advisory company, executing technology and market research, Victor Milligan aims to drive clients’ growth by combining all kind of marketing operations, analytics and customer experience. Previously, Victor was responsible, again as the CMO, for the marketing development of two other companies: Nexage, a marketplace in mobile advertising relying on the forces of mobile revolution and programmatic technologies; and Lavastorm Analytics, a company combining enterprises-grade business applications with the potential of analytics. His professional approach lies on analytics as a key to early discovery of risks and delivery of transparency and liquidity to both buyers and sellers. Previously a Senior Managing Partner and Vertical Industry Leader at Gartner Consulting, another information technology research company, Victor developed and led $125M global vertical industry team. Before Gartner, Mr. Milligan led the architecture and planning team as Senior Associate at Booz Allen Hamilton for 9 years. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Vermont and have started his career in the US Air Force Space Command, contributing to the launch of the Global Positioning System, which is the base of so many location-based services today.   Bruce Rogers, Chief Insights Officer and Head of the CMO Practice, Forbes Media. bruce-rogers-470x470Currently responsible for Forbes Media's Insights division, Mr. Rogers works on the company’s leadership practice engaged by blue-chip companies like IBM, KPMG, Google, EY, Deloitte and Cisco. He also deals with content and events for senior marketers. His career at Forbes started as a VP Marketing at Forbes Magazine in 1991, continued as Chief Brand Officer at Forbes Media in 2008 and led to his current role of Chief Insights Officer and Head of the CMO Practice at Forbes Media. Mr. Rogers is the author of a regular column on thought leaders changing the business landscape, several articles and reports. He is also the co-author of three books: “Profitable Brilliance,” “In the Line of Money” and “I Win You Whatever”. His business thoughts may be read under intriguing titles like “Publish or Perish”, “Using Thought Leadership to Grow“, “Why Companies Need a Chief Reason Officer” and so on. Bruce Rodgers is a member of several organizations such as Adtech, Business Marketing Association, SBV Solutions. Another proof of his effective marketing ideas is receiving the Gold Effie Award from the American Marketing Association. Baglan Rhymes, Chief Digital Officer & SVP Global Revenue, AnchorFree Inc. baglan-rhymes-470x470Ms. Rhymes’ CV is rich not only in job titles and successful work projects, but in continuous volunteering experience too. Ms. Rhymes has played a key role in the history of her current company - the Wi-Fi security and privacy providing company AnchorFree. She actively contributed in raising $53M in Series C funding and in launching four new products, currently representing 98% of the company’s revenues. Besides her main job title of Chief Digital Officer & SVP Global Revenue, she is an experienced speaker, lecturer and panelist in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation in technology and digital media. She contributes to the development and branding of some of the hottest tech startups in Silicon Valley. An active member of Forbes Agency Council, Ms. Rhymes is named as one of the most Influential Turkish Women in the USA. She is the author of several white papers like “Customs Union & Turkey”, “Customs Union & the Aegean Region”, “The Expectations of Turkish Newspaper Readers”, “The Role of the Universities in Establishing and Maintaining the Democratic Foundations in a Society: The Turkish Case". She has recently published her first, co-authored book - “Of Love, Autonomy & Wealth: Work and Play in the Virtual World”, named as one of the best in self-help and business. Previous speakers at the Marketing and Innovation Summit are top level executives like Ward Van Duffel, VP and General Manager Direct to Consumer Lego, Benjamin Faes, Managing Director PBS Google, Anosh Thakkar, CTO Philips, Jim Rosenberg, Chief Digital Officer UNICEF, David Moore, Chairman of Xaxis and President of WPP Digital, Jay Altschuler, Director Global Media Unilever, Pete Blackshaw, Global Head of Digital Marketing and Social Media Nestlé, Norm Johnston, Chief Digital Officer Mindshare Worldwide, Dr. Torsten Wingenter, Head of Digital Innovations Lufthansa, Tom Bowman, VP, Strategy&Operations, Global Advertising Sales BBC World. The Marketing and Innovation Summit is also great for networking – the next business opportunity could be waiting for you right there. Listening to the great presentators, you can also learn a lot about the way you’re a running your business and its marketing. So, don’t waste your time, these are all the important links you need: To buy your tickets for Webit.Festival Europe 2017 (EarlyBird expires soon), click here. To apply for speaking, click here. To apply for partnership, click here. To apply for exhibiting, click here. StartUP? Apply for the Founders Games Challenge by Webit.Foundation and get an opportunity for free festival tickets (500), free exhibition table (100) and opportunity to win 200 000 EUR (only 1), click here. To see the video gallery from Webit.Festival 2016, click here. To learn more about the events that are part of the festival, click here. To see pictures from our previous events, click here. For more information on the Global Webit Series and our events in Dubai, Singapore, New Delhi and Istanbul: www.Webit.Org.

Webit.Foundation presents the first three speakers in the New Economy Leadership...

One of Webit.Festival Europe's most important summits, the New Economy Leadership Summit, is invitation only highest level event, gathering political leaders (e.g. Presidents, Vice Presidents and top European political leaders), top entrepreneurs and founders, Nobel Laureates, scientists and innovators along with top enterprise executives from Europe and rest of the world. During the 25th and the 26th of April, Webit.Festival 2017 is the place to be in Europe if you want to hear about the latest views of political leaders on some of the major challenges the humankind faces in today's Digital age, well being, ageing, innovations, cyber security, digital transformation, disruptive legislation and many other topics.

We have 3 new top-flight speakers in our lineup for the NELS! They include one of the top executives of World Economic Forum, the mayor of Tirana and a highly respected professor of Economics.

  • Martina Larkin, Head of Europe and Eurasia, World Economic Forum.
martina-larkin-470x470pxMember of the Executive Committee of World Economic Forum (WEF), Martina Larkin is definitely one of the professionals who fit on the New economy leadership summit scene. Her career starts as a marketing manager at Nestlé, continues with world of banking and consulting and ends up so far with the Swiss nonprofit foundation officially recognized as the international institution for cooperation between the public and the private sectors. Martina’s WEF professional story starts in 2004 as a Senior Project Manager of The Forum of Young Global Leaders - a gathering of 800 selected enterpreneurs. Since then, she has been heading different departments in the international institution for cooperation between public and private sectors, till the moment she became Head of Europe and Eurasia of the WEF two years ago. What connects her professional roles is the work with thousands of experts and leaders representing all the stakeholders involved in creating projects for public goods. In 2011, Martina becomes part of Yale University’s signature leadership development program as a Yale World Fellow helping creative minds to work on world’s contemporary problems. Besides WEF, she is part of several non-profit boards.  
  • Prof. Fátima Barros, BEREC Chair 2015, President of the Board, ANACOM Portugal.
Bfatima-barros-470x470arros is Chair of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) for 2015 and Vice-Chair for 2014. Since May 2012, she is the Head of the Portuguese National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANACON). Prior to that, she was a Board Member of several international academic and business institutions. Currently professor of Economics and former Dean of Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics (2004-2012), Prof. Barros holds Ph.D. in Economics from Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and a BA in Economics from the Catholic University (Portugal). Her numerous publications in the area of regulation, competition and contract theory can be read in leading international scientific journals.    
  • Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana.
Erion Verion-veliaj-470x470eliaj is the current, 42nd elected mayor of Albania’s capital Tirana. Prior to that, he was Member of the Parliament for the district of Gjirokastra and Minister of Social Welfare and Youth. During his minister’s mandate, he has worked on much needed reforms, concerning pensions, employment, social welfare payments and professional education. In the period of 2015’s elections, his team created a crowd-sourced multi purpose smartphone application, giving easier access to information for Tirana’s citizens and visitors and a platform for real-time signals and feedback straight to the government on problems or issues in their neighborhoods. This same smartphone app brought to the city of Tirana the 2016 Award from the Ljubljana Forum Future of Cities. It also won the reputation of a tool that "offers an instant access from the mobile phone to all real-time information related to road traffic, urban transport, tourism and many more things of interest".  Mr. Veliaj believes in leading by example - and as the current mayor of Tirana, he works for a notable change in the city. His political career starts in 2003 by founding a civic organization which gained popularity as a youth movement.   The main topics of the summit are the urgent need of the best cyber security solutions, the well being of the whole human kind, digital transformation and the ways for boosting the EU entrepreneurial system. So far speakers at the NELS have been top level executives and innovators like Kristalina Georgieva, CEO of the World Bank, Rossen Plevneliev, President of Bulgaria, Markku Markkula, President, European Committee of the Regions (CoR), Andrus Ansip, Vice President European Commission, Binali Yildirim, Prime Minister Turkey. So, don’t waste time, these are all the important links you need: To buy your tickets for Webit.Festival Europe 2017 (EarlyBird expires soon), click here. To apply for speaking, click here. To apply for partnership, click here. To apply for exhibiting, click here. StartUP? Apply for the Founders Games Challenge by Webit.Foundation and get an opportunity for free festival tickets (500), free exhibition table (100) and opportunity to win 200 000 EUR (only 1), click here. To see the video gallery from Webit.Festival 2016, click here. To learn more about the events that are part of the festival, click here. To see pictures from our previous events, click here. For more information on the Global Webit Series and our events in Dubai, Singapore, New Delhi and Istanbul: www.Webit.Org.

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