Webit News

1000 free tickets to Webit.Festival for Women in Tech & Politics

Happy Women's Day! On a personal note - I am a male feminist. Since we have founded the non-for-profit Webit.Foundation, Webit's mission has been improving the...

When was the last time you did something new?

We just did! Announcing the new Webit.Festival '19 Venue - NDK in Sofia. We had to find a new (the biggest ever) venue for Webit.Festival Europe 2019...

Announcing Webit.Health Summit & Expo

Join us at the 3rd edition of one of the world’s leading gatherings of top experts who shape the future of healthcare, pharma and...

Announcing Innovate! Summit & Plenary Session

Join us at the 11th edition of one of the world’s leading gatherings of top innovators, inventors, founders, policy makers and marketeers: Webit.Innovate! Summit & Plenary...

Join the Founders Games – World’s Biggest Startup Challenge during Europe’s...

Webit.Foundations provides grants to over 1500 startups/scaleups! For the past 10 years Webit is selecting the best of the best founders and we help them...

17 hours remaining to take advantage of the Promo Webit Ticket...

17 hours remaining to take advantage of the Promo Webit Ticket at only € 120 (75% discount). Join Europe's Innovation and Tech Festival, bringing together...

Join the world’s biggest Startup Challenge – Founders Games

We believe that only by supporting the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and empowering the women in business and politics - we may improve...

For Innovate, press 5

If you look just 10 years back... you can easily see the rapid evolution of digital industry. Everything is smart - phones, watches, we even...

Davos: Bulgaria affirms itself as a regional technological superpower

This is the message that Webit’s Executive Chairman and Goodwill Ambassador for Bulgaria's Digital Affairs - Plamen Russev sent to the world from Davos...

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