Tag: Leaders of the Future Summit

The Future of Big Data, Big Cloud and Connected Devices

We are living in a constantly changing, complex, interconnected world. We are seeing all kinds of connected devices all around us both at home and at the enterprise. All these connected devices create enormous amount of data, Big Data. The great challenge facing us is what to do with it. How to make it useful. At the blue track of the Global Webit Congress we are presenting speakers from leading companies that will discuss trending topics like Big Data, Big Cloud, Connected Devices and IoT.
Connected Devices at Home
Consumers are using more and more mobile devices in their everyday life. Smartphones and tablets are connecting us to the world around us. The new trend of "wearable "connected devices are linked to our mobile phones and tablets and can measure and transmit via sensors all kind of data. At home, we see ordinary devices like thermostats, lights, garage doors and kitchen appliances all becoming "smart". These devices are connected and can be controlled with a smartphone. They have the ability to autonomously adjust settings, alert users based on information and sensors from other devices both within the home or on our wrist. All these connected devices interact with each other and create Data. Lots of it.
Connected Devices at the Enterprise
At the enterprise level, the trend is of using smartphones and tablets for business needs. Enterprises see this as an excellent way to increase employee effectiveness. This creates a lot of data and enterprises are looking for ways to use all this accumulated data for its business needs. To add to all this many industrial devices are also being connected and this is a future trend. Again, this creates data, big data.
Big Data and Big Cloud
All data that we see accumulated has to be useful for both the consumer and the enterprise. It has to be stored, analyzed and automated. The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating a completely new ecosystem of interconnected devices both at home at the enterprise and all around us. In addition, all these connected smart devices are creating Big Data that is being stored in the cloud. The challenges ahead are how to make all this data useful. We are just in the beginning with many challenges ahead in making this data useful. It is not surprising that companies like IBM, Cisco, Qualcomm Ventures, Intel, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and many others are looking at real time solutions to store, share, analyze and automate this Big Data in the Big Cloud. At the blue track of the Webit influential Founders, CTOs, CIOs of the worlds most innovative companies; disruptive startups, top talents, over 400 investors and 300 accredited media will take part in the Leaders of the Future tech discussion. Join them and get an early bird ticket now!

Peter Fredell, CEO of Seamless, the global mobile payments company will...

Peter Fredell has had a career in international banking and capital markets. He will be a speaker at the Blue track at Webit Global Congress 2014. Peter has a successful record of accomplishment of developing financial services businesses. Since 1992, he is founder of Fredell & Co, investing in the financial and technological space. Fredell is today the largest shareholder of Seamless. He joined the board of Seamless in 2009 and since 2011 is CEO of the company. Seamless is a global mobile payments company that provides prepaid top-up systems and mobile payment services for mobile operators, distributors, retailers and consumers. The company has two main product lines: the proprietary transaction switch ERS 360˚ for top-ups to mobile operators and distributors, and SEQR for mobile payments in stores, on-line and in-app. In its home territory of the Nordic region, Seamless has established the proof points for its business and leading retail merchants, who have adopted the system, including McDonalds Sweden. Seamless is an international company with customers in more than 30 countries, from Brazil in the west to Thailand in the east. Their ambition is to build sales, support and operations in Stockholm, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pakistan and Ghana. It boasts over 3.1 billion transactions handled annually for more than 40 operators in these countries. Peter Fredell will be a speaker at the blue track of the Global Webit Congress. To meet Peter Fredell and learn more about mobile payments and the success story of Seamless book your ticket at an early bird price now.

RoboSavvy, the amazon for robotics

The world of robotics and 3D printing is exploding and RoboSavvy, a British company headed by Limor Schweitzer is at the forefront of research, development and sale of everything you need to create your robots. 3D printers, 3D scanners and sensors are also there for you to take and play with. The realities are changing and to give you an example of this, last year Google acquired eight robotics companies including Boston Dynamics. It is obvious that robotics is a promising area and the big players are planning their future expansion in this area. Limor Schweitzer  founded RoboSavvy in 2004 with the vision of creating humanoid robots that bring the excitement of video games into reality. His main area of interest was, and still is, in humanoid locomotion and creating humanoid robots, which are capable of performing basic acrobatics. Over the years, the company became a leading retailer of robotics equipment for hobbyists and researchers in Europe while providing exceptional technical support to customers. The online community forum is the leading source of knowledge in the area of hobby humanoid robots with thousands of active participants that share their passion of bringing humanoid robots to life. RoboSavvy offers a wide range of products including humanoid robots, 3D printers, DIY electronics and sensors. RoboSavvy is a leading source of materials and knowledge in the area. Today with the advancement of technology and 3D printing it is very easy to assemble a 3D printed robot. RoboSavvy is currently creating the most advanced 1m tall research humanoid robot in the world, an affordable 3D printable humanoid robot, designated for a new education program to motivate young minds and future engineers. RoboSavvy product selection includes Makerbot, the creators of the iconic Replicator 3D printers and Robotis, the leading manufacturer of humanoid robot servos. Since the topics at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit revolve around future tech trends including, robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, Digital Health and Education, Big Data it will be interesting to see Limor Schweitzer, share his experience and future vision of Robotics and 3D printing. Join Limor Schweitzer and other speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit in Istanbul on 1-2 October. Apply now for our early bird tickets.

Mark Shuttleworth, the spaceman and founder of Ubuntu and Canonical

Mark Shuttleworth is best known for founding Ubuntu the popular free operating system for desktops and servers, and Canonical. Mark Shuttleworth the 40 year old British and South African entrepreneur, is also an astronaut and the first citizen from an African country to travel in space in 2002. Mark has an exciting and challenging career. While studying finance and IT at the University of Cape Town, Mark founded Thawte, a company specializing in digital certificates and cryptography that was acquired in 1999 by VeriSign. In 2000 he founded HBD, an investment company, and setup the Shuttleworth Foundation, which funds innovative change in society by supporting Fellows and investing in their projects. In 2002 he visited the International Space Station as a member of the crew of Soyuz mission TM34. After a tour of schools in South Africa promoting science and mathematics for aspiring astronauts he started work on Ubuntu. Mark also champions design-driven development and has a focus on quality and cadence in the engineering work done at Canonical. Mark Shuttleworth is one of the exciting keynote speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit at the Global Webit Summit in October. Here is your chance to meet Mark Shuttleworth at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit. REGISTER NOW!

Meet Justin Kan of Twitch acquired by Google for $1 billion

Justin Kan the successful 31-year-old American entrepreneur and investor is one of the co-founders of Twitch the largest live streaming video platform and community for gamers. He is a speaker at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit. Lately Twitch has made the news with plans by Google to acquire the live video gaming platform for $1 billion. Twitch is a very popular life streaming video platform focused on e-sport and video gaming. According to the company blog, it has a very lively community of gamers with more than 45 million visitors per month and the average viewer watches an hour and a half a day. Justin Kan graduated from Yale University in 2005 with BA degrees in physics and philosophy. He co-founded Justin.tv in 2007. In 2011 together with Emmett Shear he launched Twitch as a subsidiary to the very popular live streaming site Justin.tv. Broadcasting his entire life at Justin.tv and popularized the term "lifecasting". He is also a co-founder of the mobile social video application Socialcam acquired in 2012 by Autodesk for $60 million. In addition, he serves as a partner at venture capital firm Y Combinator. Justin Kan also contributes for technology news site TechCrunch and co-founded Kiko Software, the first ajax based on-line calendar funded by YC in 2005 and sold to Tucows in 2006. Justin Kan will be a one of the exciting  speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit. His experience is astounding and he has a lot to share. It is a pleasure to have him as a speaker at the Global Webit Congress. Here is your chance to meet Justin Kan at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit. Get your ticket now!

The speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit

We are getting closer to the Global Webit Congress. You have been wondering who the Speakers at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit are. We have the pleasure to announce who they are. Moreover, they are a lot and very qualified professionals from leading companies changing the tech scene. They are so many and every day we are adding more and more. Nevertheless, just to give you a glance at these fine professionals here are some of them: Justin Kan (Co-founder Ycombinator/Twitch/Justin.tv) Mark Shuttleworth (Founder Ubuntu & Canonical) Tony Conrad (Co-founder and CEO of about.me, Founder/True Ventures) Nicolas Burton (Founder BlaBlaCar) Brady Forrest (Highway1) Diede van Lamoen (Stripe) Linus Dahg (Partner, Wellington-Partners) Bakhrom Ibragimov (EBRD) Jason Ball (Investment Director, Qualcomm Ventures) Max Niederhofer (Partner, SunStone Capital) Cem Sertoglu (Partner, EarlyBird Venture Capital) Ben Medlock (Co-founder/CTO SwiftKey) Pat Phelan (CEO & Co-founder Trustev) Peter Fredell (CEO, Seamless) JP Rangaswami (Chief Scientist, Salesforce.com) Yossi Vardi (Prominent Investor) Tzahi (Zack) Weisfeld (Co-Founder, Head of Microsoft Ventures Europe & Global Accelerator Program) Dmitry Chikhachev (Co-founder & Managing Partner at Runa Capital) Sina Afra (Co-founder of Markafoni & Investor) Tomasz Czechowicz (Founder and CEO at MCI Group) Eric Van der Kleij (Founder & Head of Level39) Ayelet Noff (Founder and CEO, Blonde2.0) Alexander Galitsky (Managing Partner, Almaz Capital Partners and Skolkovo Board Member) ... And many more   Hurry up! Get an early bird ticket while they are still available.

Digital and Tech Leaders meet at the Global Webit Congress in...

Where will the Global digital and teach leaders be in October? Certainly, at the sixth Global Webit Congress on 1-2 October in Istanbul. For a sixth consecutive year the upcoming Global Web Congress will bring together thousands of professionals from the Digital, Tech and Telecom communities to network, share experiences and discuss new trends, future expectations on the respective hot and trending topics. This year the EMEA premium event, the Global Webit Congress is even bigger and more challenging. Over 10 000 attendees from over 110 countries, more than 200 speakers and 300 accredited media will meet in Istanbul on 1-2 October. The Global Webit Congress is the place to meet over 3500 C-level, global and regional regional reps of advertisers,agencies, publishers, tech providers and disruptive startups. This year the Global Webit Congress 2014 has two tracks The Digital Marketing Zone and The Tech Zone. They will satisfy the needs of different specialized audiences interested in the two main topics. The Digital Marketing Zone It will cater to the needs of digital, marketing and tech participants. This is a separate Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference.  The main topics covered by the speakers and panels are Digital Advertising, Metrics, Big Data, Digital Commerce, Digital Entertainment, Media, Mobile and Social. The Tech Zone In addition to the digital, marketing and tech crowd expect strong attendance by the start-up community. It includes the Leaders of the Future Summit, AppDevCamps and StartUp Village Expo. The Leaders of the Future Summit will be the place to meet 400 investors, thousands of start-ups and the superstar founders and most innovative technology companies. The Apps DevCamps  are for developers who are interested in building relationships to technology platforms, gaining knowledge on a number of topics, from operating systems and APIs, to app stores and monetization or designing software for devices. Expect to see keynote presentations and/or panel discussions with audience interaction. The agenda is provided by some of the most influential and innovative companies in the industry including IBM, PayPal, Adobe, Blackberry and many others. The StartUp Village Expo is the place to meet and interact with amazing start-ups from all around the world, governmental Investment agencies from EMEA keen to help you relocate to their countries, and grow your business there. There is a huge interest here by potential investors looking for great ideas. Last but not least we have the Founders Games.  The Global Webit Congress created the 1 Million EUR Marketing Grant for start-ups to give them a special market advantage and to boost the business and the opportunities to success. The Founders Games is the single most influential event for start-ups, providing over 1 Million EUR  grant in marketing budgets for up to 200 start-ups. So hurry up. Book your ticket now! On 1st and 2nd of October in Istanbul Turkey at the Halic Congress Center start-ups meet investors, over 300 accredited media and the CEOs, CMOs and CTOs of the world’s largest and most innovative companies along with the biggest global and regional advertisers.

Book your ticket !

Jason Ball, the man from Qualcomm Ventures who backed Supernauts

Some on-line games will succeed, some will not. But the Helsinki-based, Grand Cru’s has raised venture capital funding to build the free-to-play game. Instead of a good wine they have created Supernauts, a social world-building game, that just two weeks ago, has hit a million downloads in just six days after its release. That is quite an achievement especially in the crowded and highly competitive multi billion game industry. The game received editor’s choice rank in 40 countries in the Apple App Store and is also in the “best new games” category in 155 countries.  Grand Cru has raised more than $16 million to date from Idinvest Partners, Qualcomm Ventures, Nokia Growth Partners, Signia Venture Partners and Lifeline Ventures.  One year ago Jason Ball decided to make an investment into the gaming space – an area where many investors fear to tread. Will it be a success? Time will tell. jasonJason Ball is a Director at Qualcomm Ventures Europe and is based in London. He currently serves as a board member or observer for Bitbar, Blippar, Cambridge Temperature Concepts, Grand Cru, Videoplaza, Wonder PL and Wrapp. Jason has also led Qualcomm Ventures investments in Arteris (acquired by Qualcomm) and We7 (acquired by Tesco). He is one of the speakers at the Leaders of the Future Summit. Don't miss the chance to meet Jason Ball.

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