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How advertisers want to measure, how publishers Actually measure and the...

The proper analysis of your ads performance is crucial to your campaign and to your business, as a whole. Each advertiser knows this and still not everyone analyze the data they have in an effective way. Lots of analysis tools are available on the market now, but which one to choose? A lot of questions arise when it comes to data analysis. The term `data` is expanding every hour and the more it expands, the more essential analysis becomes. But what exactly to measure? What conclusions to draw? Both Facebook and Google Analytics give you some statistics, but it is you who needs to understand the meaning behind them in order to improve/develop the campaign. It is our pleasure to present you some of the Webit’s speakers on this infinite topic - Caroline S. Henne, Nikki Mendonça and Layla Pavone. Caroline S. Henne has over ten years of digital and market research experience. She was previously responsible for opening the first international nurago office in London – a 100% subsidiary of GfK which laid the foundations for GfK’s Digital Market Intelligence expansion. She then joined the International Client Services team and successfully launched GfK’s digital strategy into multiple markets across South and West Europe. Caroline Henne holds a Bachelor of International Management for Media and is a regular speaker at events across the globe, be it IAB Conferences or other digital, marketing, market research or related events. Nikki Mendonca is the EMEA President of OMD Group, the largest and most awarded marketing communications company in the world. She presides over 4,300 employees, across 60+ offices in 56 markets and oversees over $17.1 billion in marketing investment from leading world class companies like McDonald's, PepsiCo, Estee Lauder and The Walt Disney Company. Under her leadership, OMD has won several Agency of the Year accolades. Previous to that she worked at Leo Burnett UK running the $150m+ media divisions of Procter and Gamble, Kellogg's and Grand Met and at CIA Media Network trading TV airtime for Kraft and Wrigley’s. She is a fierce champion of a mobile first approach to marketing communications and sits on the Advisory Boards of Adweek Europe and Webit Congress. Layla Pavone is Managing Director Isobar Communications; President Consulta Digitale at Assocomunicazione and Honorary President IAB Italia. During the university studies she start to collaborate as journalist - for 4 years - with some italian publishers. After the degree –Political Sciences- in 1987, she attend to the first Italian Corporate Communication Master and at the end of 1988, she starts to work as Communication Manager in one of the most important Italian newspapers and magazines sales-house: SPI Societa’ per la Pubblicita’ in Italia (Publicitas Group). From 2000 until now she works in Aegis Group as Isobar Communications Managing Director, dedicated to the consultancy and development of interactive marketing and advertising services (media and crativity). From 2003 she is also President of IAB Italy – charter of Interactive Advertising Bureau worldwide Association, part of the Scientific Committee of Assodigitale – Association dedicated to the digital development- and member of Audiweb Board of Directors – Joint Industry Committe dedicated to the internet audience measurement. In 2005 she was appointed President of IAB Europe. In 2007 she received from the Italian Association of Managers the “Award for Excellence”. Don’t wait more and apply now for the 6th Webit Global Congress.

Internet of Things (IoT) hot topic at Global Webit Congress

Internet of Things (IoT) is changing our world. We are moving to a new age of connected devices. We are living in a new connected world. Not only smart devices like smartphones and tablets are getting connected but many others in our everyday lives. They are changing industries as we know them. Automotive, Health, Energy, Connected homes? Just a few of the sectors where we are seeing lots of change. The big players Apple, Google, Microsoft, IBM, CISCO and many others are making alliances, acquiring new companies and creating new teams involved with IoT. Why are they doing this? Why are they spending millions of dollars ? Because IoT is hot, very hot future trend. We realise this and that is why the hot topic, Internet of Things (IoT) will be highlighted at the Global Webit Congress. IoT is the internet beyond PCs, tablets and smartphones: the internet of devices that have embedded technology to sense either their internal states or the external environment. The Internet of Things (IoT) — or machine-to-machine (M2M) technology, as it is also known — is set to boom over this decade. More things are connecting to the Internet than people. According to Cisco there will be 50 billion connected devices by 2020.   gartnerIoT   According to IT research agency, International Data Corporation (IDC) the Internet of Things IoT market is expected to grow by more than $5 trillion over the next six years, According to IDC's study, the worldwide IoT install base will see a compound annual growth rate of 17.5 percent from 2013 to 2020, and will encompass billions of connected devices in the world of what IDC calls "third platform" technologies.  Expectations are that the Internet of Things (IoT) computing phase is the next industrial revolution. Want to hear more about the state of IoT and future trends and developments? Join as at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit. Key players from companies like IBM, Qualcomm,  Telemost/evercam.io, Concirrus,  and many others will be at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit discussing IoT. Sandy Carter from IBM, Ben Medlock from SwiftKey, Jason Ball from Qualcomm,  Craig Hollingworth and Andrew Yeoman from Concirrus and many other tech leaders will be there. Interested in the future of Internet of Things (IoT)? Then hurry up and get your ticket now!

The art of video advertising

If you are involved in digital business nowadays, then you are completely aware of the term “video advertising”. And no matter what kind of business you run, online video marketing should be a major focus of your advertising and marketing budget. Let’s check some statistics:
  • 20 billion impressions - online video marketing is effective when it comes to exposure. According to a comScore report, video ad impressions surpassed 20 billion in June 2013.
  • 1.8 million words – this is the value of one minute of video, according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research. Just think about how many emotions can be expressed in one minute video. And what about one written page? Looks like video advertising is much more practical, isn’t it?
  • 90% of online shoppers (at a major retailer’s website) said that they find video helpful in making shopping and buying decisions.
  • 10 seconds – that is how much time you need to grab costumer’s attention
  • 15 seconds - according to research conducted by Jun Group (2011), videos lasting 15 seconds or shorter are shared 37% more often than those that last between 30 seconds and 1 minute.
  • 51% - an online marketer reported a 51% increase in subscribe rates when video was included in an email marketing campaign.
Facebook is also following the trend of video advertising. In the middle of July, the social media announced that soon we can expect video ads that will follow us from device to device. Not just a trend, video advertising is an art. Still, not each advertiser realize and imply this … yet. It is not about to make video ads, because everyone makes ones. It is about involving the customer, about creating and provoking emotions. About telling a story. Join the 6th Webit Global Congress and learn more about the art of video advertising from our speakers. Apply now!  

Digital and Tech Leaders meet at the Global Webit Congress in...

Where will the Global digital and teach leaders be in October? Certainly, at the sixth Global Webit Congress on 1-2 October in Istanbul. For a sixth consecutive year the upcoming Global Web Congress will bring together thousands of professionals from the Digital, Tech and Telecom communities to network, share experiences and discuss new trends, future expectations on the respective hot and trending topics. This year the EMEA premium event, the Global Webit Congress is even bigger and more challenging. Over 10 000 attendees from over 110 countries, more than 200 speakers and 300 accredited media will meet in Istanbul on 1-2 October. The Global Webit Congress is the place to meet over 3500 C-level, global and regional regional reps of advertisers,agencies, publishers, tech providers and disruptive startups. This year the Global Webit Congress 2014 has two tracks The Digital Marketing Zone and The Tech Zone. They will satisfy the needs of different specialized audiences interested in the two main topics. The Digital Marketing Zone It will cater to the needs of digital, marketing and tech participants. This is a separate Digital Marketing and Innovation Conference.  The main topics covered by the speakers and panels are Digital Advertising, Metrics, Big Data, Digital Commerce, Digital Entertainment, Media, Mobile and Social. The Tech Zone In addition to the digital, marketing and tech crowd expect strong attendance by the start-up community. It includes the Leaders of the Future Summit, AppDevCamps and StartUp Village Expo. The Leaders of the Future Summit will be the place to meet 400 investors, thousands of start-ups and the superstar founders and most innovative technology companies. The Apps DevCamps  are for developers who are interested in building relationships to technology platforms, gaining knowledge on a number of topics, from operating systems and APIs, to app stores and monetization or designing software for devices. Expect to see keynote presentations and/or panel discussions with audience interaction. The agenda is provided by some of the most influential and innovative companies in the industry including IBM, PayPal, Adobe, Blackberry and many others. The StartUp Village Expo is the place to meet and interact with amazing start-ups from all around the world, governmental Investment agencies from EMEA keen to help you relocate to their countries, and grow your business there. There is a huge interest here by potential investors looking for great ideas. Last but not least we have the Founders Games.  The Global Webit Congress created the 1 Million EUR Marketing Grant for start-ups to give them a special market advantage and to boost the business and the opportunities to success. The Founders Games is the single most influential event for start-ups, providing over 1 Million EUR  grant in marketing budgets for up to 200 start-ups. So hurry up. Book your ticket now! On 1st and 2nd of October in Istanbul Turkey at the Halic Congress Center start-ups meet investors, over 300 accredited media and the CEOs, CMOs and CTOs of the world’s largest and most innovative companies along with the biggest global and regional advertisers.

Book your ticket !

How RTB changed the world of advertising?

RTB is the abbreviation for real time bidding and Google’s definition about it is “a server-to-server integration option for network buyers that allows networks to evaluate and bid on each available impression”. Sounds complicated but it is not and in the last years RTB is highly preferred by advertisers. Why? Simply because traditional online display advertising is inefficient - you purchase impressions for the same price per unit, even though each one has a different value to your campaign. The RTB ecosystem has three parts:
  • Advertisers : Buyers – here we have a tool that automates the purchasing of online advertising on behalf of the advertisers. This is the Demand Site Platform or DSP
  • Exchanges: These are compared to the stock exchange, but for advertisers
  • Publishers : Website owners : Sellers - the publisher provides the inventory
RTB allows you to bid for ad space on a publisher’s website so your ad is possibly displayed when the website loads. Something important is that the maximum price is set before bidding begins. RTB benefits agencies by providing more control over the performance of the campaign, more efficient spending and better, more targeted results for clients. The benefits for advertisers are more narrowed targeting and no more wasted impressions. Publishers get revenue on inventory since buyers maximize the value of impressions. Amongst the predictions about the development of RTB in 2014 were rich media ads, social networks, branding metrics, programmatic video and private marketplace deals. The world of advertising will never be the same. RTB changed the status quo.     To learn more about RTB and its future, apply now for Webit Global Congress!

The World in Your Pocket

When you look 10 years back you can easily see the rapid evolution of digital industry. For instance, take the size of your computer - desktop, laptop. tablet, smartphone, even smartwatches. Think about your smartphone now. Probably, you take it everywhere with you and you can barely imagine one day without it. More or less, it is normal. Normal for the century we live in, normal for our jobs, normal for the life nowadays. What is also normal is the fact that the future of advertising is focused on mobile. Facebook (not only) sees mobile ads as key to future growth and a week ago they launched a new way for advertisers to manage their ads. This is Ads Manager for mobile devices. The natural direction for development is more than clear and it is called mobile. Here comes the time to present you two of Webit Global Congress’s speakers, who will discuss the topic. webit_speakers1 For more than 20 years, John Sheehy, President, Global Operations at Starcom MediaVest Group has inspired both creative and media teams to form better, more collaborative relationships with clients. He worked this alchemy mostly during his many years with sibling agency Leo Burnett, where he developed an entirely new approach to client teams on the Kellogg account. Now President of Global Operations, John’s main mission is to further integrate SMG’s Human Experience practice across the SMG ecosystem. Monty Munford has 15 years experience in the mobile, web and digital sectors. He writes regularly on mobile, tech, digital and social for prestigious publications such as The Economist, MIT Technology Review, Wired UK, TechCrunch and Mashable, and he has a weekly column for UK broadsheet The Telegraph. He speaks on the BBC and is a sought-after speaker at trade shows around the world in cities such as London, San Francisco, Lagos, Dublin and at academia such as Oxford University and the University of London. Would you dare to miss the meetings with these impressive speakers? And have in mind that they are just a small part of the spectacular 6th Webit Global Congress. Hurry up and apply now.  

Good news, SwiftKey is now free, Swift flow is real and...

Have you heard the good news? The best Android keyboard app, SwiftKey Keyboard is now free! swift1And not only that but SwiftKey  ‘Flow Hard’, the gesture-input technology is now available for physical desktop/laptop keyboards. Flow-Hard_blog_v2Yep and the good news does not stop there.  We have more good news. 775514bc550b45bf17b09ec9a79b0e2aBen Medlock  the co-founder and chief technology officer of SwiftKey, the successful language prediction technology company will be a speaker at the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit on 1-2 September 20014. Want to hear what he has to say? Hurry up! Register now!

Meet Facebook, Google and Apple at one place – the stage...

If they ask you to name three companies from the digital industry, what would you say? Amongst the first that will come to your mind will be Facebook, Google and Apple, for sure. On 01-02 of October these three giants will be on the stage of Webit Global Congress in Istanbul, Turkey and you should not miss it. Founded 10 years ago, on February 4th, 2004, Facebook is the youngest giant from the group. Currently, the social network has more than 6800 employees and total assets which equal to almost 18 billion dollars. Google is the bigger brother, founded on September 4th, 1998. The 16-year-old company has more than 52 000 employees and 111 billion dollars assets for 2013. And last, but not least the eldest one, 38-year-old Apple, founded on April 1st in 1976. Apple’s assets, 207 billion dollars, are almost twice these of Google and the employees are 80 000. No matter how different Facebook, Google and Apple are, they have something in common – the desire to dominate. When it comes to advertising, the rivalry between Facebook Ads and Google AdWords is well-known. Both Google and Facebook have a massive potential audience. Both offer paid as well as free advertising. According to their purpose, advertisers can choose which one to use. Google+ allows Google to collect personal user data and by checking Gmail and YouTube we can soon expect that Google’s user data will surmount Facebook in terms of value. On the other hand, we have Apple versus Google…again. In the last few years, especially after the passing of Steve Jobs, Google improved its brand recognition and became the world’s most valuable brand, according to MillwardBrown's 2014 BrandZ ranking. The desire to dominate provoked not only Google, but also Apple and Facebook to innovate and constantly to look for new opportunities. You see it is intriguing around the giants, so do not miss the chance to see them on one stage - 1-2 October, Istanbul, Webit Global Congress. Apply now!

1 Million Euro Grant for startups at the Founders Games

Is your StartUp ready to join the 200 best startups from EMEA and Asia, competing in the Founder Games! Hurry up, apply  for the 1 Million Euro Grant provided by the Global Webit Congress. The Global Webit Congress is the most startup friendly digital and tech industry event. As a qualified startup you will receive
  • Free expo stand at the Global Webit Congress
  • Over 600 free Global Webit Congress tickets
  • Advertising budgets to promote your startup in some major EMEA media
  • Special incentives provided by the Founders Games major partners.
  • Access  over 10 000 attendees at the Global Webit Congress
  • Network with C-level executives, investors and likeminded professionals
The Global Webit Congress is the only place where startups meet investors, over 300 accredited media and the CEOs, CMOs and CTOs of the world's largest and most innovative companies along with the biggest global and regional advertisers. This means your startup might not need money but access to potential partners and clients. Here is your chance apply for the Founder Games. The Founders Games is the single most influential event for startups, providing over 1 Million EUR grant in marketing budgets for up to 200 startups. So why wait? This is a chance in a million! Hurry up, time is ticking. Only six days left to apply! Register for the Founders Games now!

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