Facebook is the top tech company to work for in 2017

  Facebook is deeply appreciated by its employees. It ranked as the best tech company to work for in 2017 and came in second among U.S....

Amazon Go: no cashiers, no registers, and no lines

Amazon plans to totally change the way we go to supermarkets. The company presented a concept for a physical store in a video. The store,...

Hydrogen vehicles? Are they better than electric?

Electric cars are one of the hottest topics right now in the business world. But there are also hydrogen cars.  A Utah-based startup is trying...

Sean Parker searching for a cancer vaccine, Neurotrack work to find...

Sean Parker, the charismatic billionaire and former President of Facebook, hase a new mission. Cancerous tumors carry certain markers called neoantigens and Parker wants to...

Fitbit is buying Pebble for 40 million, OpenDoor raises huge $210...

Fitness wearable creator Fitbit is in the process of acquiring smartwatch maker Pebble in a deal that will likely spell the end of the Pebble brand. VentureBeat has...

$200 million fund to back space tech startups, former model creates...

In line with the most interesting news from the day, we'll share with you the stories that matter in the business and technology. Webit.Festival speaker...

Hedge fund betting on Disney, Wireless VR could be a reality...

Have a look at some of the interesting news from today, regarding the tech and business world. First of all, we should point out...

A professional famous opera singer at Webit.Festival? Not a robot? Real...

Meet the founder Nadine Levitt and her Wurrly, helping you turn your phone into a professional recording studio. 300 000 users with 1.5 million...

2 billion in online sales for Thanksgiving, Twitter’s new COO and...

Keeping you in touch with the latest news from tech and business world, these are the stories we want to show you today:   1. With...

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