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Mobile Commerce and Retail Technologies

Retail sales rose 2.7 percent in November and December, to $265.9 billion, while actual store visits declined 14.6 percent, according to Associated Press. Researching items online before going into stores to buy is becoming more widespread daily. Up to 20 percent of holiday season sales occurred on mobile devices, eMarketer estimated. The number was even higher—close to 25 percent—on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. These statistics are a small part of the big picture and help us to define the technological trends that will revolutionize retail. Mobile’s development and innovations is of the leading trends. Mobility is much more than a smartphone app. By incorporating mobile technologies, retailers provide valuable customer’s experience. Store employees equipped with tablets that have point-of-sale capabilities, for example. Tesco, one of the world’s leading retailers, introduced its own 7-inch tablet computer, the Hudl, which can be used for in-store shopping. Another example is the French retailer Carrefour that recently launched a mobile app designed to enhance the in-store experience for the Chinese market. PayPal, Ebay and Amazon are innovators in the area of mobile commerce as well. Infinite number of examples and new rules on the market. So book tickets for the 6th edition of Global Webit Congress now in order to learn more about the new trends.

Join the Webit Internet of Things (IoT) Hackathon 2014

We are proud to present the Webit Internet of Things (IoT) Hackathon 2014. The hot future trend of Internet of Things (IoT) presents numerous opportunities for business, startups and developers in Healthcare, Finance, Retail, and Public Sector with Smart Cities and Smart Campuses. Are you ready to take part, unleash your powers and show off your skills? The Webit Internet of Things Hackathon is for developers who are interested in building relationships to technology platforms, gaining knowledge on a number of topics, from operating systems and APIs, to app stores and monetization or designing software for devices and consumer electronics. This year's Webit Internet of Things Hackathon is part of the blue track, Leaders of the Future Tech Summit, giving one time experience and opportunities to the partners, the speakers and attendees to dive into a fusion of technology with local and global companies from Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia. The  Internet of Things Hackathon 2014 is organized together with our partners at Concirrus, home of the Internet of Things. Concirrus provides a platform for customers to organize the Internet of Things to improve, disrupt and create businesses and business processes. Staged at the perfect location of Istanbul makes the Internet of Things Hackathon of the Global Webit Congress an easy hub for people from three continents to join and brainstorm their creativity. Co-located with the IoT Stream of the two-day agenda, the Hackathon gives a perfect opportunity for developer, app builders and tech giants to collaborate. Great minds think alike... Will you join them? You can take part in Internet of Things (IoT) Hackathon 2014 by applying here.

Ivo Radulovski about "The Experience Web"

Ivo Radulovski is Initiator & Founder of Drupal Bulgaria. Organizer of Drupalcamp Sofia. Speaker. Web Strategy Expert, Entrepreneur and Investor, he is amongst the winners in  Webit Audience Choice Speakers and will present "The Experience Web". 53 123 people voted for 312 candidates - Ivo Radulovski is the winner with 3323 votes. Today we are glad to publish an interview with him about his topic, his vision and the emotion to be a Webit speaker. ***

Are you excited that you are among the winners at audience award to be on the stage of GWC so 10 000 visitors from EMEA and ASIA will be able to hear your thoughts and you will share your experience with them?

I.R.: I'm really excited about it and can't await to meet all great innovators in Istanbul. ;)

During the contest they were really big names in the digital and tech industry worldwide so what was the feeling to compete?

I.R.: It was a really though competition indeed, I had to activate many different communities all over to world to support me and still I was falling quite behind. Finally I decided to send out a letter to every personal contact (around 12000 emails) in order to hit the roof. At this point a special "Thanks" to the Drupal community which is known for being one of the strongest tech communities worldwide.

What was your motivation to apply for a speaker at Webit and What are your expectations from the 6th Webit Global Congress?

I.R.: My motivation is to share my experience and story about the development and future of digital trends, simplicity and insights from "being the underdog to achieving great solutions for some of the biggest brands and organisations worldwide". I share the sentiment that "great innovations are happening when great innovators come together"! I expect to hear interesting insights and to meet like-minded innovators and digital leaders!

We have more than 300 media from all around the world there that are very curious for news and launches so please share with us in before just a part of your topic so to keep it hot.

I.R.: I want to set one foot into the doorstep of the next digital era "The Experience Web". And yes at Segments we are launching a new Accelerator for growth oriented companies that are willing to shape the future with us, so stay tuned.

Who would you advise to attend Webit Global Congress and why?

I.R.:It is amazing how many great people are attending to this event. I recommend it to everyone who is looking for inspiring good quality content, insights into future digital trends and the opportunity to meet entrepreneurs & digital leaders. Do you want to hear Ivo Radulovski in personal - hurry up and book your ticket for the front line!

Can Wearable Devices change our life?

Wearable devices are all around and wearable technology is changing our life styles by allowing us to track and interact with the surrounding world in new ways. They are changing the perception of the ways we see, hear and interact with the world around us. According to ABI Research, about 90 million wearable devices will be sold in 2014 and demand will be higher in 2015. Most wearables are related to health and fitness but the future will see them in other fields. What are wearable devices? According to Wikipedia “wearable technology“, “wearable devices“, and “wearables” all refer to electronic technologies or computers that are incorporated into items of clothing and accessories which can comfortably be worn on the body. Wearable devices, similar to mobile phones and laptop computers can perform the same computing tasks in some cases outperforming them. They have embedded sensors and can transmit information. Wearable technology tends to be more sophisticated than mobile devices providing sensory and scanning features not typically seen in mobile and laptop devices, such as biofeedback and tracking of physiological functions. Why do we use them? They are all around us watches, glasses, contact lenses, e-textiles and smart fabrics, headbands, jewelry such as rings, bracelets, and earrings. Most wearables on the market today are fitness and healthcare monitors. Worn on our head like the Google Glass and Oculus Rift, on our wrist like the Pebble steel, Fitbit Flex or Nike + Fuelband, Moto 360, on our chest like the Uber Armour Chest strap or Polar Wearlink and Transmitter, on our ankle like the Adidas F50 Aadizero TRX Cleats. They are being intercorporated in our clothes. They can be attached to a baby like the Sproutling Baby monitor that senses, learns and predicts a baby's sleep habits. What are the future trends for wearable devices? Wearables still are a technology for early adopters. They are not perfect and there are still lots of questions to be resolved. Privacy, safety, design and customer adoption, just to mention a few. However, the future of wearable devices looks promising. Juniper research predicted the market to jump from its current $2 billion value to $19 billion by 2018. An in the world of IoT giants like Google, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, IBM are working on new and improved solutions to help wearables. Apple is set to release its new and exciting iWatch expected to be a game changer. Intel is working on standards of interoperability.  We are seeing better integration and new applications developed for the wearable devices. The startup community is also working on new devices and solutions. Join us at the blue track of the Global Webit Congress to learn more on these promising new technologies. Get your early bird ticket now.

Chris Cunningham and the mobile trends

Confident, successful and an energetic sales executive, Chris Cunningham leads appssavvy as CEO. Appssavvy is a mobile advertising technology company, with the simple goal of making advertising better. It focuses on disrupting brand advertising by putting people at the center, using context and timing as the drivers, and closing the gap on understanding intent. chris_cunningham_largeStarting as a sales/marketing services organization in 2008, appssavvy grows to more than $20M in annual revenue by the end of 2010, reaching profitability. After this success that year, Chris went on to tackle his second major challenge at appssavvy – transforming it into a technology company. Launched in late 2011, appssavvy’s mobile advertising platform is growing faster than the company’s initial business and is empowering brands to reach people, within natural breaks of activities, when they are most receptive, in real-time. Outside of appssavvy, Chris is a recognized leader in the digital advertising market as a whole. Featured speaker at International CES, IAB's Annual Leadership Meeting, dmexco, Web Summit, limited partner in Bowery Capital, member of the Young Entrepreneur Council, regular contribution to CNBC & Bloomberg TV via on-screen appearances, active leader in the IAB, co-chair of IAB Social Media Committee, etc. Named one of the "Most Important People in Mobile Advertising" by Business Insider, Chris is a finalist at Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year. Mobile cannot be categorized as just a trend anymore. It is a necessity. Meet Chris Cunningham at Global Webit Congress in order to learn all the mobile ‘secrets’. Book your tickets with early bird prices now!  

Tech & Digital and Fashion at one place. Why not?

A lot has been said about the spectacular Istanbul that will host Global Webit Congress in October and about the impressive venue Haliç Congress Center. Moreover, the splendid agenda with the inspirational speakers. Now, the time to talk about the spectacular well-known Webit Party has come.

Global Webit Congress is famous for its memorable parties. Webit Party in 2014 is powered by Fashion TV - the international fashion and lifestyle broadcasting television channel. Webit 2014 will be the meeting point not only of the World's Digital and Tech Prophets but also of the most beautiful models from all over the world.

Founded in France in 1997, FashionTV has become one of the most widely distributed satellite channels in the world: 31 satellite and 2,000 cable systems, with a total of 500 million households in 193 countries across the five continents. Today, FashionTV is a multi-media platform offering a review of global fashion and is independently owned and operated from the headquarters in Paris, London and Vienna.

FashionTV is the only 24/7 fashion, beauty and style TV channel worldwide and provides glamorous entertainment with emphasis on the latest trends. FashionTV is the first global media vehicle to deliver the latest fashion trends, models, events, news and gossip and is first in information - when it happens, where it happens. Innovation is part of the FashionTV’s mission, so it is the first to show the latest trends, fashion weeks, models, events and fashion locations all around the world. FashionTV's unique mix of production, distribution, innovative technology and broadcasting give its viewers a VIP seat in the best available quality. Everything that happens in the world of fashion and trends, happens on Fashion TV.

Setting the highest standards for excellence in fashion and lifestyle broadcasting, Fashion TV is a leader at the fashion market as well as Webit at the digital and tech world. At Webit 2014 party you will feel special and glamorous next to C-level managers and popular models. Book your ticket with early bird price till the end of August and prepare your most fashionable outfit. You will need it!

Entrepreneurship, Business Knowledge and Startup Ventures

The blue track of the Global Webit Congress will be featuring such key concept as what does entrepreneurship, startups and business knowledge have in common. Prominent speakers together with Tech leaders, influential Founders, CTOs, CIOs of the world’s most innovative companies, disruptive start-ups, top talents, and over 400 investors and 300 accredited media will participate in these inspirational discussions. Join them now! People tend to think about entrepreneurship exclusively in the context of startup ventures with a couple wild-eyed risk takers working out of a garage. What is entrepreneurship actually? Why is it relevant to all stages of life in business? How can it make even a mega-multinational more successful? What are the stages of entrepreneurship, what all stages have in common, and why you are more entrepreneurial than you think (and that is a good thing). Entrepreneurs need everything that is taught at a business school. Whether you are starting a company, buying an existing company to run or turn around, turning around a failing division inside of a company, or building a new business unit for your successful company …entrepreneurs use every tool to get the job done. At the blue track of the Global Webit Congress one of our keynote speakers, Paul Kewene-Hite will briefly explore why entrepreneurship is vital to business of any condition and size. PaulKH-web_000Paul Kewene-Hite of INSEAD has over 23 years business experience with start-ups and major technology companies.

He actively mentors and consults to business and social entrepreneurs as well as governments and companies of all sizes. He has successfully worked in every corner of a technology company from tech support to finance to sales and business development to CEO.

He was a Technology Evangelist at Apple, and Director of Strategic Planning and New Business Development at NEC Computers. He was a venture capitalist and has served as VP, President and CEO of technology startups in the USA and Ireland. In addition to building technology companies, he has restructured and turned around companies in Australia and the US, he has launched a new venture in China, he built a strategic plan for an initiative by the Welsh government. He has opened new markets for businesses around the world. He has been instrumental in landing hundreds of millions in revenue for companies, and he has been intimately involved in raising millions in venture capital for multiple ventures. He has authored technology white papers and business plans, and has performed extensive business planning from full P&Ls to operations to market launches.

At INSEAD he is Director of the Entrepreneurship Accelerator, the Head Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EiR) as well as an Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship. Quite an impressive experience. Visit the Leaders of the Future Tech Summit to hear him and join the discussion on Startups, Entrepreneurship and Business knowledge book your tickets with early bird prices now.  

It’s not a trend, it’s a destiny

He finds return business the key to success as well as mobile a trend that is not going to slow down. He is a digital advertising specialist responsible for spearheading the European business at Rocket Fuel. His name is Dominic Trigg and he is one of the speakers at Global Webit Congress. Since early 2011 Dominic has managed a raDominic Trigg - RocketFuelpidly expanding advertising operation, working with most leading agencies and many global brands. Having demonstrated impressive results for UK advertisers, the past two years have seen the opening of new offices in Germany, Holland, France, Italy, Spain, and the Nordics. Dominic came to Rocket Fuel from TradeDoubler, Europe’s number-one affiliate network, where he was Vice President of International. He has a long track record in the online advertising arena, having held a number of senior management roles. He worked as Managing Director for Infospace Europe, Director of Yahoo Europe's Ad Operations, and was Advertising Director for MSN UK, Hotmail, and Expedia during the .com boom years. Prior to that, he ran the first online advertising team at British Telecom, where he utilized his years of experience in traditional advertising. Dominic is a respected public speaker on digital advertising and programmatic media buying, bringing more than 15 years’ experience and endless enthusiasm to the stage. Recent appearances include the Festival of Media Global, IAB Engage, and Rocket Fuel’s quarterly breakfast seminars. Dominic was a Media Accelerator Programme finalist in 2012, acknowledging his fantastic work at the helm of a start-up business that was destined for a great future in media. Awarded #4 on Forbes' 2013 Most Promising Companies in America list, Rocket Fuel was founded by online-advertising veterans and rocket scientists from NASA, Yahoo!, Salesforce.com, and DoubleClick. Global Webit Congress gives to you the opportunity to meet such a passionate and inspirational expert. Do not miss this chance and book your ticket with early bird price now!

LEGO makes us all "heroes"

I don’t know if there is something that exercise children’s creativity more than LEGO. LEGO Group considers children and children’s play to be the cornerstone of everything they do.The company takes this responsibility seriously and always sets ambitions high, as only the best is good enough for the builders of tomorrow. The LEGO Group is engaged in the development of children's creativity through playing and learning. Based on the world-famous LEGO® brick, the company today provides toys, experiences and teaching materials for children in more than 130 countries. At the stage of the 6th Webit Global Congress you will have the opportunity to meet an expert from the amazing LEGO’s team. Lars Silberbauer Andersen is Global Director of Social Media & Search at the LEGO Group and is driving the well known and innovative toy company's social media & search strategy and execution. He has building the company's social media engagement from scratch and now leads a global team of social media & search marketers that drives real time engagement with consumers worldwide. In 2014 he launched LEGO® TV in 24 markets. LEGO® TV is a native mobile experience for kids where they can experience high quality animated LEGO content and also heads up the LEGO YouTube channels. Previously he worked for 10 years in the digital and broadcast media industry as digital strategist and later creative manager driving digital strategy and leading project development for Danish Broadcasting Corporation. He has also worked in the US, driving web development and user research. He holds and MA in Digital Media Science and a HD in Innovation and Organizational Strategy. Lars combines digital and social in the best way. He has great interpersonal skills and is such a humble speaker. Creativity can be contagious, so come at Webit in October and meet Lars. Book your tickets now with early bird prices.

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