The future tech of money

Money and payments - an intriguing theme ever since way back in time, becoming more and more intriguing with each passing day. What makes...

Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Why does it matter?

At Endeavour's Dare to Scale Rosen Plevneliev - the president of Bulgaria 2012-2017, Fernando Fabre - president of Enveavor Global, Vassil Terziev - Co-founder...

How to market and sell when the act of purchase disappears

The act of purchase as we know it is progressively disappearing. Driving forces of it are the usual forces standing behind each global change...

Cyber criminals – living like celebrities!? Their money is not from...

Raj Samani is the Chief Scientist of McAfee. He is an active member of the Information Security industry, through involvement with numerous initiatives to...

Healthcare at its Gutenberg moment

“The main and huge problem in healthcare is data. Big data and big amounts of it. You can’t start creating huge clinical data warehouses...

Mobile first was yesterday. Today AI is first

“No matter if your business is in retail, bio, health or digital, if you want to stay relevant, focus on AI shouldn't be between...

We deserve to fight for freedom in Internet

Internet freedom differs from country to country which together with the constantly changing online landscape makes it quite hard to say whether Internet freedom...

Technology and its positive role in education now and in the...

Nowadays, technology is everywhere and it has a pretty extraordinary impact on our life. According to research, the average person checks their phone approximately...

Welcome the new generation of integrated hybrid medical devices

One of the questions we ask and answer everyday is “How are you?”. For as simple question as that one, it is very difficult...

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