Webit News

Big Data will lead to the biggest transformation in healthcare we...

In 1950’s it was estimated that the medical literature doubled every 50 years. By 1980 it was doubling every 3.5 years and by 2020...

If your company doesn’t like change, it will eventually become irrelevant

If you don’t like change, you are going to like irrelevance a lot less. A famous quote from the former CEO of Ford Alan...

How to fix our education systems for the AI age

We are all talking about the Fourth industrial revolution and its potential toll on the labour market around the world. As the developments of...

IoT is the key to solving the complex world of science

We often think about innovation and science as a one whole thing. But in the age of connectivity and information sharing most of the...

The Millennials expect brands to know them not as a segment,...

Few years ago the Executive Chairman of Google Eric Schmidt predicted that soon it will be very hard for people to watch or consume...

Exclusive content is what drives the audience in the Digital age

In the digital world we live in we get information about what is happening around the globe literally on every second. In an information...

Esports and Gaming are defining entertainment for millennials

We all know at least one nerdy guy, who never leaves his parents place and is always playing video games with his friends online....

How the Internet took away our ability to understand the world...

Over the past few decades the art of marketing has developed in an increasingly globalized world - a trend, that was only accelerated by...

Innovation happens at the speed of trust, not technology

When we talk about digital transformation we often think about the tech giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon, which are spreading their online services...