How can we make money from Open Source software

In recent decades globalization unfolded as a process that has brought huge positives for the freedom of trade, travel and cultural exchange in the...

Finding the right balance between privacy and security online

The era of omnipresent Internet is said to bring 24 billion IoT devices, as well as $1 trillion spent on cyber security from 2017...

Chat bots are taking over the online advertising

During the last few years we have witnessed incredible growth and transformation in the digital advertising industry, which were driven mainly from the expansion...

5 disruptive tech trends to watch in 2017

We are living in increasingly digital world, but there are several emerging technologies, that will probably be a catalyst for long-term innovation. In 2016...

FinTech is going mainstream with help from Silicon Valley

Despite of having the lion share of the world’s money, financial markets are among the most conservative fields of business and are usually focusing...

IoE makes us dream of a more connected tomorrow

We are living in the time of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - a process that unites biological, digital and physical spheres. And perhaps the...

Smart cities are standing out, traffic jam fading

It’s morning rush hour. You are on your way to leave the kids at school and then to go to your office. There are...

To evolve, the business must pass through digital transformation

The Theory of Evolution’s author Charles Darwin once said that it is not the strongest of species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but...

Industry’s biggest are betting on AI for smarter and safer transport

This year everyone will keep talking about Artificial Intelligence, but the industry that is most likely to benefit quick from the development of this...

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