Tag: ai
Join Webit.Festival Europe to see incredible technologies demonstrated before you
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are probably the two technologies that will create the most dramatic change in the way we live in the next several decades. In recent years we have experienced huge advancements in both fields and we are on the brink of their mass involvement in our everyday lifes.
While the inclusion of robots still may sound futuristic to many of us, AI is already taking its place for both corporate and domestic use. Personal asistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are part of the daily life of millions and this is just the beginning.
During Webit.Festival Europe you will be able to witness demonstrations of amazing technologies in the fields for Mobility, Robotics and AI. Here are some of them:
Harmony presented by Guile Lindroth - Realbotix, CTO
Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage
The first companion robot with advanced AI. The unique machine has a human-synthetic skin, synced eyes, lip synced mechanics, articulated neck, changeable face and customizable apps
eBee presented by Jean-Thomas Celette - senseFly, MD
Time: 15th May, 11:39-11:49 at Innovate Stage
The professional’s fully-autonomous mapping drone is able to capture high-resolution aerial photos tou can transform into accurate orthomosaics (maps) & 3D Models.
Augmented Reality presented by Prof. Shafi Ahmed - Medical Realities, Chief Medical Officer
Time: 14th May, 16:22-16:32 at Innovate Stage
The Medical Realities Platform delivers high-quality surgical training using Virtual and Augmented Reality. It is a technological powerhouse designed to deliver realism and immersion.
Hoverbike presented by Oriol Rafart - Malloy Aeronautics, CEO
Time: 15th May: 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage
The Hoverbike can deliver heavy aid, people, and equipment over building, rivers and mountains autonomously at the push of a button - cheap, safe and reliably.
Furhat presented by Samer Al Moubayed - Furhat Robotics, CEO
Time: 15th May, 09:52-10:07 at Innovate Stage
The social robot that communicates with us humans with self learning social skills.
GET presented by Leonid Plekhanov - GET, CEO & President
Time: 15th May, 15:52-16:02 at Innovate Stage
Wireless power network that enables battery-powered drones to recharge while still in flight
FlytCycle predented by Ansel Misfeldt - FlytAerospace, Founder
Time: 14th May, 17:23-17:33 at Innovate Stage
Hoverbike that can traverse any terrain just a couple of feet off the ground
Cybershoes presented by Michael Bieglmayer - Cybershoes, CEO
Time: 14th May, 14:30-14:40 at Innovate Stage
The only shoes for walking in VR that won’t let you bounce into a wall
EnduroSat presented by Raycho Raychev - EnduroSat, Founder
Time: 15th May, 17:17-17:27 at Innovate Stage
EnduroSat provides simpler access to space for visionary business customers, scientists and technologists. It is a new type of interconnected and decentralized space infrastructure.
During the event you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Airbus Defence and Space CEO Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co Paul Willmott, the VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others.
Check out the full agenda of Webit.Festival Europe here
Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

Artificial Intelligence – both a threat and an opportunity
Next several years of our development as species will be marked by technological advancements in fields such as Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. Many believe, that they will completely transform our societies, while others are concerned by the unprecedented threats that may come with this.
Nearly 5 years ago one of the brightest human minds, the astrophysicist prof. Stephen Hawking, warned us that AI could end mankind. During an interview with BBC, he said that the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.
Hawking stated that the primitive forms of AI developed so far have already proved very useful, but he feared the consequences of creating something that can match or surpass humans. In the same interview he said the the potential benefits of the technology are huge, listing eradication of war, disease and poverty as main goals.
His concerns are reflected in the report of the US national security think tank Center for New American Security (CNAS). The document stated that high-profile Chinese officials see an “arms race” dynamics in AI as a threat to global piece.
The exponential development in Artificial Intelligence will be among the main topic of Innovate & Plenary Session during Webit.Festival Europe - the largest digital economy and innovation event in that part of the world.
Recently China announced that some of the smartest students in the country have been recruited from high school to begin training as the world’s youngest AI weapons scientists. The 27 boys and 4 girls, all aged 18 and under, were selected for the four-year experimental programme for intelligent weapons systems at the Beijing Institute of Technology from more than 5000 candidates.
BIT is one of the country’s top weapons research institutes, and the launch of the new programme is evidence of the weight it places on the development of AI technology for military purposes.
US Army is also looking into giving full control of some weapon systems to fully autonomous artificial intelligence robots, because time is of the essence if you want to defeat the enemy. Experts believe the such weapons may reduce the Army’s reaction time against an attach, therefore increasing its abilities in the battlefield.
The Army Contracting Command has called on potential vendors in industry and academia to submit ideas to help build its Advanced Targeting and Lethality Automated System (ATLAS), which will use AI and machine learning to give ground-combat vehicles autonomous targeting capabilities.
Come to Webit.Festival Europe and learn about the major steps that policy makers, scientists and corporate leaders need to take in order to ensure that humanity will use AI in a safe way for all of us.
During Innovate! & Plenary Session you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Serial Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, the Airbus Defence and Space CEO, Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co, Paul Willmott, The VP of Amazon Web Services, Sandy Carter, and VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others.
Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.
What to expect from the digital transformation in 2019
The world is advancing in its digital transformation process
Being innovative and decisive, persistently driving the change, will be basic traits for any organization planning to stay competitive and live up to the expectations of our technologically thriving world. The 2019 DXC Global Digital Enterprise Survey, written by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and sponsored by DXC and Leading Edge Forum suggests that this will be “a year of decision-making and profound change”.
Surveying more than 600 executives on their strategies for digital transformation
EIU reveals that the majority of businesses (over 80%) plan to increase their 2019 investments in digital technology. As numbers suggest this is by far not a hazard as 70% of the respondents confirm that organization’s profitability has increased thanks to their digital strategy. Investments in cloud computing, mobile and applications are already considered entangled to modern business, so exploring emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, server less computing and others, could lead to greater agility and competitive advantage. On the matter, 75% of respondents state that a modern IT infrastructure positions their organization to produce stakeholder value.

The DApps Era is coming – the future of Blockchain adoption
Hsuan Lee, the VP of Engineering of COBINHOOD, the first zero trading fee exchange in the world, and as of January this year - came to Webit.Festival 2018 in Sofia and discussed the topic of blockchain implementation and future.
Missed the 2018 edition of Webit.Festival Europe? Don’t miss the 2019! Get your super early bird 2in1 tickets – 2 for the price of 1 here!
The DApps Era is coming
Back in 1991, many of you remember when the websites obsession was huge - the largest companies began with it. The transition towards search engines like Google and Yahoo was more or less smooth until they became viral. The appearance of sharing platforms appeared naturally - youtube, myspace, blogspots, etc. Some of the platforms disrupted and stayed, others disappeared and many, many more appeared. A couple of years ago Messenger,whatsapp and instagram, to name a few - everybody talked about these and while they’re widely used today, the hype over them disappeared. In 2017 - 2018 the most talked about technology advancements are the crypto-blockchain platforms. We are, very naturally, transitioning towards DApps era - or post apps era, role of apps is increasing and becoming more important rather than steady. All of this transition may seem ‘natural’, however, appearance and longevity process is way more difficult. Geoffrey A. Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm” theory applies to basically any sphere. Hsuan explained the technology adoption cycle in the following way: The innovators are about 2,5 % of all the population. The heart of all high tech startups is a product that spawned from a small group of passionate scientists.The early adopters take up about 13,5 %.
This is the ‘chasm’ to which companies pay little attention to once a company is over hyped by the success of market entry. This is the worst place to be, characterized by low scalability, high transaction latency and high transaction fees. The early (34%) and late (34%) majority are the largest part and the most secure phases in a company's development. There are, however, cases when the company fails - the ‘laggards’ as Hsuan calls them - are about 16% of all. Blockchain adoption by companies will be as difficult process as the transition from appearance of apps to their everyday viral usage. It will happen, however.Missed the 2018 edition of Webit.Festival Europe? Don’t miss the 2019! Get your super early bird 2in1 tickets – 2 for the price of 1 here!
Martin Wezowski talks about “WTF – What’s the future” @Webit.Festival 2018
"The future is very important, because we will kind of spend the rest of our lives there. So we better make it really good. :)"
Martin Wezowski is the Chief Designer & Futurist at SAP. He joined Webit to put some perspective on “what is work and what is human in a superhuman future”.Martin, being a fan of the Beatles, started with playing a tune that resembles the style of the iconic band. But later he revealed that the song was created by AI that mimics the Beatles.
"It listens to everything that The Beatles have ever done and makes new songs. It does it so successfully that it has over 2M views on Youtube. That should really raise deep and profound questions."
The main question is WTF - What’s the future?
One example of that is the healthcare."It takes 7-10 years to make a doctor, which gives us a severe shortage of doctors."
With the soon-future-AI, medical help will be in infinite amount everywhere, all the time for everyone. That should also change our minds about what is human work. Nowadays AI can diagnose heart diseases or lung diseases more accurately than humans. Funny enough, humans and AI combined are almost 100% correct. In the 90s we decoded the human genome. It took billions of dollars. Now there is a DNA sequencer for 1000$. What does this mean for research? What does it mean for animal testing?The NOW has never been so temporary as it is today.
Maybe we should start imagining the futures that we want and start creating them, rather than react to what we where we are today because thus we are too late. That might be a little scary because we see jobs disappearing. A hundred years ago almost everybody worked at farming, fishing, forestry. Now it's only about 2%. What did they do? What would they think if you'd tell them: "Most of you will not be in agriculture." What would hey imagine that they will do, accounting? Web development? We are in the same situation today. And it doesn't matter because we will imagine new jobs as they emerge. We can't plan for it. And the real question is this:What to teach kids to become relevant in 30 years from now?
How can we adapt to the change? What new values do we need? The stability of planning is a little bit of fake. The opposite to stability is not instability, it's emergence. It's risk, it's rock'n'roll. To transform, to challenge and take risks. Innovation is sort of rock'n'roll in business and we need more of that.One thing we rely on is the thinking of the 3 horizons.
- Continuous innovation - Ready to consume: Traditional KPIs (key performance indicators) of predictable outcomes and repeatable results and scalable efficiency.
- Adjacent innovation - Ready to Co-innovate: Forecasting your intelligence and resources to the near future, the next, the adjacent innovation where you co-innovate with your partners and/or customers.
- Transformative Innovation - Ready to Inspire: Thinking away from what you can do today and the tools you have. Your vision and thought leadership leads to ideas that you must articulate very clearly so you can have a decent discussion on executive and board level about these ideas.
Help the world run better and improve people's lives.
These two things go to the two sides of the spectrum with 4 dimensions:- The self running company
- Self organizing Business Ecosystems
- Augmented humans
- Purpose Led New Market & Business Models
“Everything from the beginning is an open end and it's up yo us to actually sit down and actually use this methods and look across all the 3 horizons, articulate futures that are desirable where we can play a significant positive role. That's our purpose. And if we do that I actually think we can design futures that we all want to live in. And we should remember to have some fun as well. :)”
Missed the 2018 edition of Webit.Festival Europe? Don’t miss the 2019! Get your super early bird 2in1 tickets – 2 for the price of 1 here!
Only today! 50% off from all tickets for Webit.Festival Europe 2018!
Only today (29 May) you can join Europe's tech and digital policy event for 2018 and have access to 10+ independent summits and 50+ meetups with 1 ticket at half price!
Webit is welcoming this new era of data privacy by providing all our subscribers a special "DATA present” - 50% off from all tickets for Webit.Festival Europe 2018 only today - 29 May.
Register here and get your ticket
to join Prime Ministers, EU Commissioners and EU top policy makers, global innovators and enterprise executives, Ministers, Mayors, investors, media and Europe's top 200 startups and scaleups - all at Webit.Festival Europe with a special discount of 50% on all tickets with code: GDPR 6000 global experts (67% senior attendance) join Webit from 110 countries.Check who is speaking
Over 200 exhibitors and sponsors join Webit this year. A warm welcome to the group of new partners who join Webit including Microsoft, SAP, Samsung, Fox, Novartis, VISA, UBB, part of KBC Group, Superhosting . BG, VMware, FOX, Turner, Novartis, Bayer, Amgen, Generali to name a few. Special thanks to our General partner MasterCard and our strategic media partners Nova TV and NetInfo.Happy to help.
Should you want to join as exhibitor and sponsor - please contact us.Webit.Festival Europe 2018 presents: Igor Beuker
Advertising may win quarters, innovation wins decades
He is a new breed trendwatcher, energetic professional communicator, serial entrepreneur, award-winning marketing strategist and this will be his 4th Webit event - three times in Sofia and once in Istanbul, Igor Beuker has lots to share about his Webit experience.“ Amazing conference, very well-organized, fantastic setting and backstage program, great speaker line-up, and very important to me as a professional public speaker and human being: the connection with the audience (at the event and on social media) is rare and heartwarming. “
Igor is among those speakers who have a special connection with their audience. Here is what he says about the audience in Sofia, and to his fans, in particular:“ The connection with the audience in Sofia, is really one of a kind. I can’t explain the feeling.It’s one of the reasons why - out of 150 international talks each year - Webit is one of the highlights I really look forward to ”
We cannot deny that the difference between Sofia and Istanbul is enormous. Here is what Igor says about his experience:
“ Istanbul is a huge international city and the conference is a bit more business focused and formal than in Sofia, was my experience. I love the culture and the passion of the people in Turkey, and some of the attendees became business partners and friends.”
Bulgaria and Sofia are aiming at becoming a digital hub for CEE and the attitude and approach towards this is a bit more casual. In the same time, however, we coordinate with the government and local authorities, and as from last year, we were incredibly proud to announce that Webit is the flagship event of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel is chairing Webit's Plenary Sessions and is a patron of Webit.Festival along with The Government of Bulgaria and the Mayor of Sofia.” Last year I shared the stage and the dining table with the president of Bulgaria and the Mayor of Sofia, which is a great opportunity to share ideas.”“Burning Man meet TED” and “Math Man in a world of Mad Men”...
...are just a couple of the new terms that were invented by the Bulgarian audience. At this year’s Webit.Festival Europe edition in Sofia, Igor will further develop his Mad Men vs. Math Men theory."Can I stretch my Mad Men vs. Math Men theory and framework even further? The Webit audience will give me the answer with their reviews and social feedback. My team and me value what they say and I even reinvent my speeches and one-liners for my talks, based upon what they highlight. That legacy brands and incumbents need to get out of their comfort zones, because that’s where the magic really happens. My bold style and personality I can’t change at 47, but the audience feels I know my why and I keep walking towards my purpose. Next-level change and reinvention is needed. Big is only good when big is smart: Advertising may win quarters, innovation wins decades.”
Igor is loved by the companies, adored by his fans and audience everywhere he goes and also by the media.
He gave a very special, exclusive, interview for a Bulgarian media. You can watch his interviews here, where he elaborates his Mad Men vs. Math Men theory in a more simple way. Igor’s answer to “how would you describe the atmosphere at Webit, he says: “Hard to describe, but when I look at the audience tweetback on my site, I get a huge smile on my face and I can’t wait to be back!”We can’t wait to welcome you again, Igor! You have a very special place in our city and our hearts.
“ Experiencing the last three years, I expect Webit 2018 to be even bigger and better than the previous editions. If that is even possible.”
Sure it is! You don’t believe us? Take a look at the amazing speakers line here and the one of the kind networking opportunities here. You wish to attend? Book your ticket here.Mobile first was yesterday. Today AI is first
“No matter if your business is in retail, bio, health or digital, if you want to stay relevant, focus on AI shouldn't be between the lines and done sluggishly but a top priority.” - Hristo Hristov, CEO of NetinfoHristo Hristov, CEO of Netinfo and IAB Bulgaria Chairman was one of the speakers at the Innovation Summit at Webit.Festival 2017. The company Netinfo is playing a major role in shaping the digital advertising landscape in the country and as such it has been a prominent spectator and actor in the digital trends and shifts locally and worldwide. Making the statement that mobile first is in the past and not a part of the future, Hristov made a point by initially giving a little test to the audience at Webit's stage. He asked for a raised hand from everybody who has done a marketing campaign or developed products for mobile. Result was basically 80% of the audience of around 1500 in the hall. Artificial Intelligence on the hunt Mobile now is the standard, the future is in artificial intelligence, calls Hristov from the stage. Most companies now think mobile only, and if they want to stay competitive, grow and acquire new customers on a new level, they need to start thinking AI first if haven’t yet. Having a great mobile app, having a great landing page, doing an incredible marketing campaign are all essentials for a successful business but becoming quite not enough. Not to mention digitalization, communications and tendencies but every tech-related thing is changing and evolving with a hard to grasp tempo.
Beforehand, we were the “hunters” who used to find a niche and go after it, hire the best talents who will build the best products and marketing campaigns. whereas now, we are the ones being hunted. By AI.Going a little back in time, Hristov recounted the story of a startup company - DeepMind technologies which got acquired by Google in 2014. They develop learning algorithms that use data or raw experience to better themselves and have created an engine which plays a certain game thousands of times better that any human being. In the beginning, the playing engine was losing every single round time after time. Things changed when the AI engine played the game for a hundred time, started getting better and better after each loss and reached a point of playing the best case optimal scenario for winning the game. Some would say that AI has a long way ahead of it until it reaches and affects each business but the development of AI is similar to the one of the game engine.
We see the progress of AI as a linear development but in reality, at some point AI will start growing exponentially, getting better after each downturn until reaching its full potential.AI systems are determining what results we get from our search, the order of their ranking and appearance, at which moment we will get a specific advertisement. It improves facial recognition and securing systems and privacy. AI systems are developed that spot Alzheimer’s brain changes years before symptoms emerge, writing music and novels. And it’s not stopping just yet. Stay on the tide: AI against trolls Fake news and internet trolls are not an unfamiliar problem of today's digital space. Writers and news providers have bumped with the negative side of people from all parts of the world having the comfort of a “behind the screen” freedom. In a responсе to that, a tool has been developed which can rank the toxicness of the comments in blogs, news sites and pages on the vast space of Internet. API.com is an open source platform that can be added to content sites, landing pages, forums and whatever type of sites which ranks actual online conversations and determines the percentage of toxicity in them. Afterwards, the process of extracting users marked as top toxic is smoothed and done harmlessly with a minimum damage.

Microsoft’s newly launched App enables visually impaired people to have an...
Microsoft has created Seeing AI - an intelligent app which thanks to the power of the cloud and AI working together is able to narrate the surrounding world to visually impaired people.
The scale of the impact Artificial Intelligence will have on the global labor force in the case of its mass implementation is the main topic when this technology is discussed. Nevertheless, the role AI plays in improving the quality of life of individuals is quite important and has a very positive impact on society.
Advanced AI technology used in automated vehicles can be adapted to applications which aim to help visually impaired people to navigate much better in their environment. Thanks to its ability to accurately sense the surroundings and to make quick decisions, AI can improve the life of people with vision loss by enabling them to participate more actively in the society.
Imagine the scale of the impact this technology could have considering that according to the World Health Organisation, there are 285 million people in the world who are visually impaired. 39 million of them are blind and the rest 246 million have vision loss.
Microsoft’s intelligent camera app is very easy to use - you just need to point the phone’s camera at the object or the person you want to see and then you hear information about them. By recognizing friends, their facial expressions and emotions, Seeing AI enables visually impaired people to receive information about the body language of the people in front of them, which results in a more efficient communication.
The app can be also used to read documents and to identify products by scanning the barcode. Furthermore, it can describe the environment which is surrounding the user to help them navigate better in the space. Identifying currency in the case of cash payment is a feature that Microsoft is still working on. The company defines the mission of the app as:
“Turning the visual world into an audible experience.”In order to recognize the world around it, the app uses neural networks which learn how to execute a task based on an existing example. This same technology powers self-driving cars and drones. Since the basic functions of Seeing AI are carried on the device, they can be accessed more quickly and even when the Internet connection is not very good. Only experimental features such as describing the surroundings require a connection to the cloud. The app directs the user to move the camera to the left or to the right to get the person or the object in shot. According to the tech lead on Seeing AI Saqib Shaikh, Seeing AI stands out because of the neural networks’ speed. Microsoft wanted the face recognition on a device to happen as fast as possible and they succeeded. Within milliseconds, the result is ready and the user can hear it.
“It’s all about the speed and we try to do as much as we can on the device.”, Shaikh said.Currently the app is available in US, Canada, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Singapore only for iOS devices. If you are interested in the latest trends in Artificial Intelligence, then Webit.Festival Europe is the right place for you. During the AI Summit, you can listen to top level speakers such as the following who have attended Webit before: the President and Global Brand Director at Havas Worldwide Jason Jercinovic, the Partner at IBM Ventures Christoph Auer-Welsbach and the CEO at CUBED Attribution Russell McAthy. Here you can get more information about Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.