Tag: Security

Dealing with domestic and external threats on Cybersecurity to protect our...

As the world is going on its path towards a Gibabit society, the secured transfers of data and money are becoming a priority for individuals, businesses and governments. Recent years have shown us the huge importance of cybersecurity on our personal and corporate information. But along with the opportunities that come with our technological advancements, the treats that they pose will only become larger. A recent study showed that 70% of corporate respondents in the US had experienced a security breach in the past two years. 85% of those indicated that they have become victims of two or more breaches. The topics of Cyber Security, Privacy, Hacking, Security Software, Mobile Security and Data Encryption, among others, will be discussed during the Cybersecurity Summit of this year’s Webit.Festival Europe - the largest event for innovations and entrepreneurship in this part of the world. Meanwhile, meeting domestic and external challenges of cybersecurity on corporate and government scale will be among the main topics during the Innovate! & Plenary Session of Webit. Even technological giants, such as Facebook, are unable to handle their security in the best way possible. Which leaves our personal data and conversations vulnerable to bad actors online. At the beginning of April a vast collection of data on Facebook users was again exposed to the public on the cloud computing servers of another tech giant - Amazon. Two third-party app developers were found to have stored user data in a way that allowed it to be downloaded by the public. One of them stored data containing more than 540 million records, including comments, likes, reactions and account names. Such breack comes after the huge scandal including the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica and its role in American presidential elections and the referendum for Brexit. Cybersecurity problems like that created a demand for a huge corporate and political debate about our data online and finding ways to keep it safe. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, there has been a lot of discussion in Western policy circles on how to deal with the so called hybrid warfare tactics. According to specialists, hybrid warfare is a coordinated an synchronized action, that deliberately targets democratic states’ and institutions systematic vulnerabilities, through a wide rangeo f means. Such activities exploit the tresholds of detection and attribution, as well as the border between war and piece. While hybrid warfare can be prevented or deterred, it can’t be easily defeated. If the social, political and economic conditions allow hybrid tactics to be effective, than it is probably too late to stop them, without making systematic changes. Come to Webit.Festival Europe and learn about the major steps that world’s policy makers and corporate leaders will need to take to create the infrastructure of tomorrow and protect us from the threats that will come with it. During the Innovate! & Plenary Session you will get the chance to listen to top enterprise, science and policy leaders, such as the Serial Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, the Airbus Defense and Space CEO Dirk Hoke, the Senior Parther at McKinsey & Co Paul Willmott, The VP of Amazon Web Services Sandy Carter and VP of Amazon Paul Misener, the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel, the Deputy Director-General of World Trade Organization Yonov Frederick Agah and many others. During the Cybersecurity Summit you can listen to the Chief Cybersecurity Officer of Siemens, Natalia Oropeza, the Chief Scientist of McAfee, Raj Samani, the Director and Co-Founder of JVP Cyber Labs, Nimrod Kozlovski, the President of CYBERPOL & ECIPS, Ricardo Baretzky, the CEO of Infinitum Humanitarian Systems, Eric Rasmussen and other renowned experts. Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

Chief Security Officer of Cisco – Edna Conway joins Webit this...

Edna Conway currently serves as Cisco’s Chief Security Officer, Global Value Chain, creating clear strategies to deliver secure operating models for the digital economy. She has built new organizations delivering cyber security, compliance, risk management, sustainability and value chain transformation. She drives a comprehensive security architecture across Cisco’s third-party ecosystem.

Digitization is driving each of us across all industries to make dramatic changes to how we approach customers, products, services, and the always-on, real-time information rich marketplace. This digital economy is gender agnostic. And, it is highly dependent on a connected global ecosystem. The message is clear—no one person, enterprise, industry, government or region can stand alone any longer.

Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival Europe 2018, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event. Managing supply chain risk requires a comprehensive approach over the complete product or process life cycle, and Cisco is looking at the potential impact of new technologies such as blockchain and the “internet of things” as part of its solution.

“We define the value chain as the end-to-end life cycle for any solution. In order to build trust, you need to understand the risks you are taking, and those risks need to be measured in the language of business.” says Conway

Prior to Cisco, Conway was a partner in an international private legal practice and served as Assistant Attorney General for the State of New Hampshire.

My path to security was built on a foundation of protecting intellectual property; enhanced by a legal background and rich engineering and operational leadership roles afforded to me by Cisco. Each of these opportunities, including leaving a successful legal practice to join Cisco, required faith. Faith in my own ability to learn an entirely new discipline and trust that my colleagues would support me in that effort.

She is recognized domestically (US Presidential Commissions) and globally (NATO) as the developer of architectures delivering value chain security, sustainability and resiliency. Her insight is featured in a range of publications, analyst reports, and case studies, including Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, CIO Magazine and the Wall Street Journal. Conway is constantly using her expertise to leverage new tools in an ever-expanding digital arsenal. She has turned her attention to the security potential in blockchain. With the ability to track data through networks, blockchain becomes a highly effective digital ledger, or “passport for the data” according to her.

“A chain of custody of your data and your actions across the full spectrum of a life cycle adds a degree of integrity we’ve never had the ability to do easily before”

Recognition of her industry leadership includes membership in the Fortune Most Powerful Women community, and awards including: a Fed 100 Award, Stevie “Maverick of the Year Award,” a Connected World Magazine “Machine to Machine and IOT Trailblazer” Award, an SC Media Reboot Leadership Award, a New Hampshire Tech Professional of the Year 2018 Award, and CSO of the Year Award at RSA.

It is all about experience and successful business networking!

With only one month till the 10th edition of Webit.Festival Europe 2018 (25-27 June '18) we are excited to share that we have added a new special lounge for your successful business networking at the Festival! As you know, we had to move to a new venue because Webit.Festival 2018 doubled in size.

With all the space we need now - we decided that it is time go wild!

All the 6000 attendees from global enterprises, through SMEs to scaleups/startups, academia leaders and policy makers come to Webit for 4 main reasons:- to see the future (check the speakers and Europe's top 200 startups) - to establish their place in the future (policy makers and business leaders discuss digital policy initiatives) - to connect with the right people (see who attends) - and to make successful business with them and expand their networks So we take business networking at Webit very seriously!

Thus today we present to you the new Webit Fountain Networking Lounge!

Yesterday we have commissioned a company to build a brand new Dancing Webit Fountain and a water mirror around which you shall have one more unique lounge for your successful networking. The magic is that after Webit this fountain shall be no more! A fountain built for only 3 days and only for your eyes! >GET YOUR WEBIT TICKET TODAY (prices go up this week)< The New Fountain Lounge adds to the number of other special lounges you may join and have your 1:1 or group business meetings while at Webit, including: - the AI Lounge - the Cybertech Lounge - the Cities 4.0 Lounge - the Blockchain Lounge - Innovate! Lounge - the Ladies Lounge - the Platinum Lounge Looking forward to welcome you @ Europe's tech, innovation and digital policy event for 2018!

Risk assessment is dead! Be risk aware.

Let’s put a cyber security smile on the face of your top docs.
In his presentation @Webit.Festival Europe, Boris Goncharov, a leading cyber security strategist, explained a rather boring subject - cyber security threats. And he did it with a story and fictional characters that he created himself! Boris Goncharov’s character - Captain Ciso, is the great defender of the Business city - the city where all the capital is - human, money, business doing, whatever. While he used to save data, defend the city and its citizens from malware,  the situation is changed now. One the one hand, the villains express your organisation’s vulnerability. Next the Business city is attacked by bots and the worst type of threat is the very invisible one that never leaves traces and you never it was ever there. The city entered the 21st century. So did the Captain - along with Artificial intelligence on his side, he started using the combination of CMA - DTA - CDSS. This is the logic of the cyber security management of the future. This is the newest way to defeat your cyber security operations and will allow you to continue to monitor, correlate the state of these controls with the external environment. In order to do all this, you need to be aware of the external environment - a common mistake that everybody  does - not making a risk evaluation. Once done, this brings nothing but knowledge - action needs to be taken, because threats are all around us. That’s why it’s vital to understand the correlation between your environment and what you can do. The solutions don’t change as much as the treats do. Risk assessment is dead! Today we have to be risk aware every minute. You can watch the full keynote of the captain here: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNs_YFhe19c[/embed] If you want to stay up to date with the latest trends in security and privacy, Webit.Festival Sofia 2018 is the place for that. Visit our website and check the different ticket options.    

Cyber criminals – living like celebrities!? Their money is not from...

Raj Samani is the Chief Scientist of McAfee. He is an active member of the Information Security industry, through involvement with numerous initiatives to improve the awareness and application of security in business and society. He was inducted into the Infosecurity Europe Hall of Fame in 2012. At Webit.Festival Europe’17 he was talking about cyber criminals, who are having a pretty good life, living like celebrities, but their money is not from hard work, this is stolen money! He wants us to know what are we up against - a brutal individuals, who have more money than we do and they are investing and growing every minute. Some of the targets of cyber criminals are hospitals - for example, in the UK they attacked a hospital via email and the result was that every emergency patient was no longer treated! These crimes don’t affect random individuals, they affect the whole world. The most disturbing thing is that ransomware could be done by 11-year-old children. It is simple like that! Nowadays children have online access to guns, drugs and could run campaigns, which is very worrisome on so many levels. Today with ransomware you have 3 ways - neutral data, paid criminals and now you can have your data back. Raj said that until July they have provided 10,000 successful decryptions free of charge - that’s 4 million US dollars, who haven’t gone to the criminals and people got their data back. You can watch his presentation  [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts1FttnxQEI] Webit.Festival Europe 2018  will gather again top speakers, policy makers and enterprise leaders Visit our website and book our Super Earlybird tickets. Feel the Webit vibe with some of the best photos from this year’s event! [easingslider id="4954"]  

Confidential documents leak threatens consumer trust in smart devices

The huge development of digital technology over the past decade raised the topics of privacy and cyber security as paramount - for corporations and for individuals and even states. And though many expected that the massive leak of information, like the ones that came from WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, are provoked by political reasons and will be gone with the Obama administration, we now know that this is not the case. Just yesterday Julian Asange’s website published the biggest ever leak of secret CIA documents. The confidential files contain details on the tools that American government uses to break into phones, communication apps and other electronic devices. The leaked documents focus on the techniques for hacking and reveal how CIA worked with British intelligence services to find ways to compromise smart TV’s and turn them into devices for surveillance. Asange’s revelations will only add to Samsung headaches. The company that was mired in negative headlines for months because of its exploding phones, the suspicion for spying through TV is not the best marketing tool. According to WikiLeaks the secret program “Weeping Angel” used television’s microphones to pick up and transmit information while the device is switched off. Meanwhile, Apple announced that the leaked vulnerabilities for its devices are already patched and CIA can’t control our iPhones remotely. Last year the company had a major dispute with the intelligence agency for hacking the phone of the terrorist that killed 14 people and injured 22 in San Bernardino, California. According to Edward Snowden the leaked documents show, that the US Government is making software vulnerable on purpose by “developing vulnerabilities in US products and intentionally keeping the holes open”. The famous whistleblower also noted that CIA is not hacking apps like Signal, Telegram and WhatsApp, but the whole iOS and Android operating systems. To learn more on the topic of cyber security and privacy, visit the Security & Privacy Summit within Webit.Festival. During 25th and 26th April 2017 in Sofia top level speakers from all over the world will share their experience in this important field. You can listen to experts like Ulrich Seldeslachts, CEO of LSEC-Leaders In Security, the CTO of Intel Security for EMEA Raj Samani and the Co-Founder of Distil Network Rami Essaid.

Find out how to bring your Security & Privacy to the...

Last year made it quite clear that cybersecurity is a serious threat. Major cyber breaches were registered during the American president election campaign and many think that they have played a major part in Donald Trump’s eventual win. Just in couple of months Yahoo revealed that previous attacks from 2014 and 2013 affected more than 1 billion user records. Meanwhile the hosting company OVH became victim of a 1 Tbps DDoS attack that hit its servers. That was the largest offensive of its kind ever seen. But just couple of months after the servers of Dyn, the company that controls much of the internet’s domain name system (DNS) infrastructure. Тhat attack’s strength was about 1.2 Tbps. Now the world expects to see a big improvement in cyber security regulations, while the demand for security skills will continue to rise. The new generation of AI-powered attacks will be crafty enough to emulate the behaviors of users and even to fool the most skilled security personnel. According to International Data Corporation’s research, by 2020 the business is expected to spend $101.6 billion on cybersecurity software, services and hardware. This is a 38% increase than the $73.7 billion spent on cybersecurity in 2016. At this year’s Webit.Festival you can listen to some of the top experts in those innovative fields of digital industry. During the Security & Privacy Summit they will share their thoughts on the ways we can secure our digital future, the economics of web scrapping and data protection in cloud services. The CTO of Intel Security for EMEA region Raj Samani will explain how technology will continue to play an integral part of our future and how can we save the digital world from being held to ransom. Leaders in Security’s CEO Ulrich Seldeslachts will talk about the active role of his organization in the development of security policies and practices in the domain of industrial control systems and cyber security. LSEC is a non for profit industry association, focused on Information Security in Europe. The Managing DIrector of Threatspace Dermont Williams will speak on the topic of shared responsibility model, that applies for the security in Cloud computing platforms. He will share ideas about the required solutions for monitoring the usage of sanctioned cloud applications. Meanwhile in the Digital Economy Leadership Summit experts will discuss the legislative changes that need to be made to ensure cyber security of citizens and institutions. Here you can see a full list of the confirmed speakers at Webit.Festival, while here you can get all the information you need about the tickets for the event.

Big Data analytics is the next frontier for digital knowledge

After a landmark year, in which companies worldwide began to analyze databases of all forms and sizes we can expect systems supporting large volumes of structured and unstructured information to continue rising. We know well that there is huge amount of valuable information in the corporate world, but there are few companies that are using its full potential. The data that your company already owns can show you a lot about the way your customers are thinking, what do they want and what they are thinking about your brand. Market already demands platforms and services for data management and security. In the same time we are going to see a lot of tools, that empowers users to analyze that data. Today Big Data is not something, that only enterprise use. In fact it is a game changer for every industry and is even messing in the political life. As Vice’s Motherboard reported, data analysis from social media is among the key factors for the victory of Donald Trump in the USA presidential elections. Psychologist Michal Kosinski developed a method to analyze people based on their Facebook activity. Five years ago he proved that it is possible to predict user’s skin colour, sexual orientation, political affiliation, intelligence, religion and even alcohol use on the basis of just 68 “likes” in the social media. This type of analytics can bring enormous benefits for the business because it can be used not only for creation of psychological profiles, but also for searching them around the web. Expert believe that in 2017 many small and midsize companies will form strategies for taking more of their applications to the cloud and out of the data centers. This will save them costs of investment in equipment and will lead them towards subscribing to services. Moving data analytics to the cloud will accelerate the process of turning your data into action. Big Data will help businesses to precisely predict future behaviors and events and improve their profits. This will be a key factor for minimizing revenue risk exposure and improving of operational effectiveness. If you want to keep up with the hottest trends in the world of data usage and analytics Webit.Festival is the right place for you. During the Big Data & Cloud Summit, you can listen to top level speakers such as the VP for Cloud and Mobile Technology Strategy at IBM Jonas Jacobi and the CTO of Intel Security for EMEA region Raj Samani.

Finding the right balance between privacy and security online

The era of omnipresent Internet is said to bring 24 billion IoT devices, as well as $1 trillion spent on cyber security from 2017 to 2021. As we take a look at what happens in the global landscape, we can clearly see that what matters the most, is information. What is the most expensive, and not just in terms of business, is data. It’s no surprise, then, that preventing the stealth and uncontrolled usage of those plays uprising role in the era. Experts predict that this year we will see huge leaps in terms of cyber security. Within the next years, companies will more and more rely on software solutions, ensuring automation of privacy. Also, business decisions will be more informed and backed on freely accessible, but accurate and protected data. Realizing the importance of data protection, global regulatory bodies promised a new privacy regulation to be developed and implemented in 2017, too. The world may spend undisclosed amount of money on things that just don’t matter, but cyber security isn’t one in that row. And while business solutions are much more expertise and any other sources requiring, individual decisions are much easier to start with. If you could be your own cyber security advisor, what would you do to make secure yourself, as an individual first? Basic rules you could follow to make sure you’re cyber-protected, are to use different email accounts for usual communication and for sensitive information, to not click on any flashing links of suspicious emails in your inbox, to choose wisely the passwords you use, to make sure the kids use different computer to download games, to watch out what you download and open on your smartphone. When talking about cyber security, a key fact we all need to understand sooner or later, is that personal data is the price we pay for enjoying a huge amount of internet and mobile features. Underestimating its value and giving it away, knowingly or not, is definitely not the best thing you can do for yourself. Would you let this app to access your location, files, Wi-Fi connection and calls log? To access this website, you should first read and accept the terms and conditions. We know you want to keep it, but would you share your privacy with us by just clicking here? This is a small part of the questions you’ll be asked in order to register on a website or a mobile app. And most of us would instantly respond “Yes” without even reading. The privacy policies of the websites explain how gathered data will be used - selling, targeting, development of new tools and apps. But truth is, no one reads them carefully, as the websites usually want us to do. In our connected world, conscientious and strategic steps to ensure cyber security are needed both by customers and by businesses. While for most of the companies IT departments were in charge of it so far, cyber security is a matter of business, not of IT solutions. To learn more on the topic of cyber security and privacy, visit the Security & Privacy Summit within Webit.Festival Europe. During 25 and 26th April 2017 in Sofia top level speakers from all over the world will share their experience. You can listen to Ulrich Seldeslachts, CEO of LSEC-Leaders In Security; Raj Samani, CTO EMEA of Intel Security and Rami Essaid, Co-Founder of Distil Network.

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