Webit News

Baybars Altuntas: Before the successful business, you need a good business...

In order to become a successful business entrepreneur, you need a good business idea, and good ideas come to the right side of your...

Lasse Birk Olesen: Bitcoin has gone the way of every new...

Bitcoin has gone the way of every new technology – big players shame it at first, ridicule it, but soon new business, markets and...

Marcin Hejka: In 10 years devices will operate without a charging

"Intel is not just the largest semiconductor companies in the world, but is also one of the largest technology investors globally", said at CEE...

Stylianos Mamagkakis: Forty percent of the people use Samsung devices, but...

Forty percent of the people use Samsung devices, but a hundred percent of the people have some Samsung parts in their device – screen,...

Bernd Heinrichs: Digitalization is global, it neglects borders

Continuing innovations, connecting devices, machines. Connected people, cars, homes, transport - everything surrounding us is an open system, where you can just plug yourself...

Uwa Kubah: From Internet of Things to Internet of People

Uwe Kubach, SAP, gаve a lecture at CEEDS'15 by Webit about the possibilities that Internet of Things gives us, why it is the next...

Digital revolution – transformation of the business

We have all seen how the technological advances change the world around us by the day. They have change the way we live, the...

Plamen Russev: "You are the optimists who are changing the world"

On 21-22 April, CEEDS'15 got together in Sofia more than 3,300 top executives from Central and Eastern Europe. CEOs, founders, CTOs, CIOs and top...

Steps toward digital evolution

Hosting more than 3,300 top executives from Central and Eastern Europe, the seventh edition of the largest technology forum CEEDS'15 by Webit was opened...

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