Industry News

The AI is on the rise, and then follows the singularity

About a decade ago the Ray Kurzweil presented to the world his concept of the singularity, and from today’s point of view this utopian...

How immigration can foster a better entrepreneurial ecosystem

Amid the political turmoil in Europe, caused by the unprecedented influx of refugees from the MENA region and the election victory of Donald Trump...

VR and AR are on their way to becoming a $120...

The tech industry, social media, marketing and entertainment in the next few years will all be shaped by the development of virtual and augmented...

The future of cars is green, shared and autonomous

The debate about self-driving cars is already over. They are coming and the important question is who is going to build them first and...

Blockchain can reshape the world if it deals with its security...

The Blockchain technology has the potential to lower the bank infrastructure expenses by nearly 30% if it is implemented in the right way. This...

Top 5 commercials from the biggest sport event of the year

Any expert in the world will tell l you that in the era of Internet, videos are the best way to advertise your products...

How Europe can defend its role as a world economic leader

The global economy becomes increasingly digital and decentralized and only those, who adapt best, will be able to survive in the new world economic...

Enterprise software – transforming from useful to irreplaceable

A survey from 2016 shows that 75% of employees have a hard time accessing information in their enterprise systems and applications. Today’s workers often...

Digitalization will make healthcare more efficient and cheaper

Today the state of multitrillion dollar healthcare worldwide is inefficient, bureaucratic and too expensive. But all this could change thanks to the implementation of...